
Am I alone in thinking this was a really poor copy of the Season Five opener?

I might be grasping at straws, but here are 30 Rock Parallels:

I surprisingly loved the first episode, unlike the more mixed reception. As said, it really feels like 30 Rock, and (apparently) Episode Two is even better. Hopefully we soon get the Muppets' answer to "The Rural Juror" I would literally die if they did it.

What the stinger felt like:

The pop culture references were also hilariously cringe-worthy. Terminator Genisys? The Walking Dead? Hannibal? I didn't think most of MTV's audience watched Hannibal. (RIP Hannibal)

Person of Interest didn't die by CBS's fault. Empire did! (just kidding)

Am I the only one who died laughing at most of the line delivery? This show is hilariously awful, and it's cheap, campy fun summer TV. Think of it as a "Stab" TV Series and that's more like it.

NBC is the worst. With Parks and Rec getting its final season rushed in a month, 30 Rock getting a short final season, Community getting cancelled, and ruining The Office, PLUS now Hannibal is dead? Goodbye to all the quality television on NBC. They're now a worse CBS than CBS ever was.

As trashy summer TV, I loved it. It's hilariously bad that I just can't look away.

Big Brother is one of the greatest guilty pleasures of TV. It's so bad and trashy, but it's hilariously entertaining. Hopefully this one is better than the past three cycles, because the last good one was Season 13, and Canada Big Brother has been delivering better than the US one for three consecutive years now.

Really good season slightly tampered by an underwhelming finale, but otherwise, Modern Family's been on a good upward trend. Let's hope Season 7 goes up and not down!

Anyone really disappointed Shane Powers didn't get in along with Teresa (T-Bird)?

I was giddy with joy watching the entire episode. It's kinda depressing that season six took 10 episodes before they got an episode completely right. (I enjoyed Gay Dean though, but I felt the rest of the season were multiple bottle episodes that were poorly made)

Dan= The biggest waste of space on the island. Both figuratively and literally. I cheered when Carolyn played her Idol, but fuck this season. Surely it hasn't been a full 12 episodes before things got interesting?

Shonda getting an F. Way to go!

I personally gave them another go, but there were too many mediocre episodes. There were some gems though like "Under Pressure", "Las Vegas", "Bringing Up Baby" "Yard Sale", and "Message Received", there were just too many duds in the middle to enjoy them. Still love this show though, hopefully Season 7 continues the

"I don't want to live with Aunt Claire!" made my night.