
And the throwaway line about being the president of a group of mole people.

The most rushed episode ever. Almost nothing made sense in the grand scheme of things. Very very confused. And not in a good way. F-material imo.

What an unusually pointless and boring episode with too many unanswered questions, how was Tai a target? How was Andrea close with Aubry when we didn't even see Aubry for a majority of the season? Why did Michaela cry? Who is Troyzan?

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but anyone think that that scene of Michael creating "The Good Place" and conceptualizing it felt like a meta commentary on sitcoms? Almost all the manufactured events led to the beginning of the major conflict of each episode between one of the two stories going on in the 30 minutes.

Dan Trachtenberg directed this right? If so then it was a nice catch to see "CL 10" on the security cameras, potential reference to 10 Cloverfield Lane or not.

This is probably the scariest thing "Directed by James Wan" has ever been attached to.

This season was one of the most painful sophomore slumps I've ever seen. Season One was absolutely soapy fun but they just jumped the shark and this "finale" was utter bullshit the whole way.

Anybody else felt really mad at Neal's response at being out of the jury? The personal remarks and backbiting was so jarring and out of place of him, almost Jason/Scot evil.

Hey! I'm sure egg is a very nice person.

Scott Baio should have dropped a Bob Loblaw Law Bomb.

The second-season premiere was free on iTunes for a while, really loved it. Here's hoping this is true and it doesn't go down the path of TD!

It's pretty hilarious that the entire Nip/Tuck Season Three finale's Carver ended up killing more people than a "slasher" show finale. At a sorority house nonetheless!

This review score is much higher than where it deserves to be. I thought this was the worst season finale of anything I've seen in years.

Agreed, I laughed the most this episode than anything earlier this season.

So does anyone suspect Grace at all for the finale? She was nearly bipolar throughout the episode, changing her stands on things with a (literal) drop of the hat.

What if the Killer really was Zayday and we get a gag in the finale with Denise screaming at everyone that she was right?

This was a decent episodeā€¦ but damn. 37 million people saw Kelly Wigglesworth lose in Borneo in the year 2000. Fifteen years later and she is voted out with one of the shittiest Survivor edits ever. I'm really happy the Coven survived, but damn if losing Wigglesworth didn't sting especially with that edit.

Anyone suspect Chanel Number Three? I know it's a reference to Carrie Fisher and all, but she was REALLY listening to those earmuffs there near the end.

That ridiculous "Red Cloak" story is actually real.

Who would have thought that Chaos Kass wouldn't be the one to flip off everyone this season as they went to jury?