Cinammon Jack

It's a one-panel joke In the comic but Starr does try to proposition Thatcher to let him piss in her mouth after the Falklands.


I have to think that Hannibal saw the writing on the wall and he and Will have been in Luxembourg feeding attractive widows weird cheeses (and each other) since long before the results of the November elections.

Oh yea, and Warren Ellis' Planetary #7 actually hit a lot of the same beats as this episode. A bunch of 90s superheroes look back on 80s superheroes and alternately thank them for the deconstruction that shaped a lot of the contemporary comics scene of the time while acknowledging there were limits to 80s edge and

And now I wake up every morning and thank God/Jigsaw that nobody has locked my head in an inverse bear trap and force fed me the key in my sleep.

Rick "Slavery but with more steps" Sanchez deserves a fate worse than death, then. I mean, he'd tell you he's suffering one, but still.

Mind Hunters also has LL Cool J giving one of the all-time great coup de grace retorts.


Oooeee, good one!

It's funny because in a universe that has featured cloning, aliens, vampires, actual Satan, virtual reality that is indistinguishable from real life, an intergalactic federation of planets that briefly conquered the Earth, sex robots and all the other bonkers shit that we've seen, the most fucked thing that the

Doctor Who went off TV for twenty years because FOX thought it needed Eric Roberts in a magic bathrobe and mind-control slugs. If Harmon and Roiland can take that ball and run with it more power to them but R+M deserve better.

I do more noble works in this world being an asshole than you will ever do convincing yourself you are a decent person.

Alvin Schwartz, one of the Golden Age writers of DC Comics and the creator of Bizarro, was adamant that Superman is a tulpa who he met after retirement. His book about it, "An Unlikely Prophet," is interesting, but a bit, uh . . . how to say . . . crystals and incense? for my tastes.

He was cool enough to sing along to the Delphonics, get Pam Grier to fall for him AND WALK AWAY from her after he was 50. We have proof he has only gotten cooler since.

"There's nothing in the room but us. I'm just using logic to connect some dots."


"Curse you, Defenders! Harry Truman's heart belongs to ME!!!"

Godwin's Law doesn't apply to a thread discussing fascism and art. Nor am I the first person in this thread to bring up fascism. I don't care about what you are ethnically, but you need to sort our your ethics if you're going to learn anything in this long, hard life. And your arguments suck.

And hey, young Peter Capaldi!

A old friend of mine talked me out of going to BEFORE NIGHT FALLS in the theater to see THE MEXICAN with him. I don't think we've been to a movie together since.