Meanwhile, Cardiac waits by his phone for a call that is never coming . . .
Meanwhile, Cardiac waits by his phone for a call that is never coming . . .
Do you have any good stories about especially decadent meals? I miss New Orleans.
Brendan McCarthy's Spider-Man: Fever mini is basically three issues of trippy art building up to a gag about how Spidey's 'thwip' fingers are the same gesture as Doc's summoning spells. It's a cute gag.
Desolation Jones or FreakAngels play to a lot of Lindelof's strengths. You could also use Frankenstein's Womb as a starting point for some kind of 'what the fuck am I watching' anthology series but I love that story too much to trust anybody besides Ellis with it.
(RIP Darwyn Cooke)
And he turned his house into an obstacle course of flammable trash that he tore off the walls. I will be shocked if Chuck is anything but dead as a Spinal Tap drummer.
I keep thinking about how after the trial he catches a battery just before it rolls off his desk . . .
But if he hadn't told Jimmy he didn't matter, would his illness have resurfaced? He's not planning on killing himself in their scene.
Jimmy wants the old ladies to forgive Irene but realizes that the train has left the station.
Would I suffer untreated Lyme disease for a couple years if it meant Beastie residuals?
Gus humbles himself to keep one of his most hated enemies alive and Hector will blow himself up for the chance that it means getting Gus.
Love the references to The Conversation but also had Shining flashbacks with the shot from in the wall boards of Chuck smashing it and his shivering, unshaven face in the dark.
Yea, don't cancel an appointment with your counselor if you really don't have to and definitely don't on the day of said appointment.
'A fanatic redoubles his efforts while losing sight of his goals' - Santayana
'Trump 2016: Fuck your feelings" - a t-shirt
The actual Shakespeare and Company puts hundreds of volunteer hours into fundraising for high schools all over Massachusetts and supporting kids interested in theater who don't get much of an artistic education otherwise (I went to a high school where they had visiting actors). That they have to put up with death…
Jeremy Davies goes from being St. Francis in Hannibal to being Jesus here. I think Fuller said that Scott Thompson's good Samaritan is the twin that Jimmy mentions on Hannibal. But Tracie Thoms' cop from Ep. 5 is definitely not Mahandra.
I really wish they hadn't cut in the middle of him saying his name to the CGI shot. I get why they did it but come on, don't interrupt Ian cocksuckin' McShane!
When I was in Scotland they did a production of Macbeth inside a bar where the witches were buskers and the royals were low-rent thugs. They gave the audience shots before curtain, it was awesome.