Thimbleweed Park and Tides of Numenara on that retro tip too!
Thimbleweed Park and Tides of Numenara on that retro tip too!
Oxenfree's pretty good.
Stay out of Riverdale!
Atlus also borrowed a page from Working Designs' playbook in that they want you to cast status buffs to make some fights winnable - it becomes another thing to keep track of during battles but it doesn't add much room for variety.
One of my college roommates was a dickhole who played it on vinyl all the time but fuck him, he doesn't get to own George Harrison.
Hey maybe this is a weak place to ask but in the 48 hours after Prince's death there was a Soundcloud mix of some of his supposed best bootlegs that was uploaded and taken down pretty immediately.
I will always think fondly on King's Quest VI and getting to visit the game over screen when you have to sail to the land of the dead. "TICKET PLEASE!"
Declaring war on sadness = how reality TV stars get elected.
I think it was just a skewed riff on her scene from Requiem for a Dream.
Past tense of 'sicken.' You verb, bro?
Alex Jones doesn't need you to go to bat for him on the internet and very probably looks down on you.
Speaking of kids, how about the 20 that were shot and killed at Sandy Hook?
She slept on details that the President's campaign was urging people to intimidate her up until the point that she needed to sell a book. Fuck her.
SOLD! To the Jedi with the exceptional beard . . . and his UNEXCEPTIONAL WOOKIE!
He gets to tap out and spend this one back on Auntie Em's moisture farm.
Oscar Isaac: Primo buckler of swashes.
'Memories…do not open' is 'Can I borrow a feeling?' for the kids! What a laughably bad album title!
May whatever faith you follow guide you through all of this. Please know that my thoughts are with you and your nearest and dearest.
Outrage is the new participation.