Cinammon Jack

I enjoyed the Producer's Cut but I'm not comfortable with Michael Myers impregnating his niece. Even if that kid doesn't get culted, he's gonna grow up with a lot of problems.

They also did something to the Myers' clothes to make them look extra black and leathery, like oily alien skin. It's not as everyday as the jumpsuit he usually sports but is very eerie.

The best is after Tina's been killed, Jamie and her little deaf boyfriend have been terrorized and the police are finally taking Myers seriously again, Loomis asks her, "NOW will you help me?" before tromping away and leaving her alone in the back of the ambulance. It's not the kid's fault her uncle's a Celtic

Does anyone have any thoughts on HALLOWEEN 2 (the original, but the Zombie one is certainly interesting)? I was struck by how crazy synth-y the score was and how intense and weird the lighting gets. It feels very Giallo, and the murders are very sadistic in that way (eye trauma, all right!).

No love for Evil Bong?

There's also plenty of vintage blue Southern California street signs (and license plates) for a movie set in Illinois.

Do we know if that had anything to do with the Bots showing up to mock her (err, DeBrie) on Arrested Development?

What about Taskmaster? We're gonna be here all day, guys!

I hope Ultron not only wins but hijacks numerous film franchises throughout the next Summer and beyond. I want to see Ultron carjack The Rock, punch Superman, go after Dracula, kick Godzilla in the toe and then finally lose in a prestige picture crying competition with Julianne Moore.

Someone in the other site's discussions of this movie made the brilliant observation that Rex makes the choice at the end using Raymond's logic, that by drinking he's going against any kind of "destiny to not." The tragedy is that what he's doing is even worse by surrendering his destiny to someone who has planned

Take with standard internet rumour grain of salt, but: More than one journalist with some hip-hop cred has told me Despot makes enough money pushing coke and pills that, despite his talent, music is more his hobby than anything else. Not sure I buy it, but explains so much . . . He's gone on record talking about

Have people heard Blockbuster Night pt. 2? It might have my favorite back-and-forth between Mike and Jaime ever, as well as the rawest, most Co Flow beat I think RTJ has ever jumped on (and Despot never hurts, it must be said).

I would like this because it would retroactively make THE GREY that movie where Mordo talks Crossbones and the cocky prick from IRON MAN3 through accepting death.

Yea, I've embarrassed myself at work by crumpling up trash and pretending to be Dormammu smashing the Earth and going "HEH. YOU ARE BROKEN" more than once.

Martin Freeman could be pretty great as Baron Mordo, even though I think he's meant to be older than Strange in the comics (but strange is older than BC I think, so what do I know?).

Show me *all* the blueprints!

Persona fans who do not want to get any work done today (*cough cough*) might get a kick out of this recent article featuring a great interview with Shigenori Soejima about some of his design choices for characters: http://www.usgamer.net/arti…

I rationalized that either Kanji's gay or had a shot and blew it eating topsicles and knitting with me all Summer. He also probably would have punched Naoto's uncle as soon as he got bored trying to find her stolen detective tools.

Fuuka rules! And when you max out her S-Link, she's the only one who gives you a gift the P3Protag would ever want: Headphones! Super-crisp hi-fi ultra-best headphones you could ever want to listen to, even. Fuuka does a lot of the silent work in being a friend and part of the group, especially if you play The

Don't forget poor little Fuuka, who feels ostracised from her family for being the only one with green hair person with any engineering aptitude in a family of doctors and is constantly picked on by her high school's Mean Girls.