
Can we work in a relation to Judge Stephen "The Hammer" Wexler from Ghostbusters II?

Tick, tick, tickin. And I have every intention of being around for the boom.

My chuckle-moment, when Nucky tries to placate Eddie with money:

The eternal leader of that club is Stringer Bell.

After Jesse tells Walt he's coming for him, and hangs up, and Walt frantically shouts, "Jesse? Jesse?" …..

"My, you chivalric fool… as if the way one fell down mattered!"
"When the fall is all there is, it matters."

The prelude to the Telepath War could have been so good.  There were plenty of ingredients from which to create as effective drama as in the Shadow War or the Earth Civil War.  And more intensely personal drama as well.  JMS was clearly aware of that.  But the ridiculous Fabioesque Byron and his equally ridiculous

God, what a spectacular, peerless show.  I first saw it with my parents as a young'un and have watched the whole thing several times since.  I still find it amazing that they were able to corral so many fantastic actors into one spot; it was really like a planetary alignment.

I love that Morden is the one character in the whole show to which Vir is just a total uncharacteristic asshole.  To everyone else he's friendly, nervous, courteous, awkwardly charming in his way - but around Morden he turns into someone radically different, showing a hint of the steel that he SPOILERS SPOILERS

One thing this episode does is highlight Kosh's differences from others in the Vorlon hierarchy.

Can we all take a moment and observe how the scene with Delenn confessing to G'Kar her knowledge of the Centauri-Shadow alliance was completely, exquisitely raw?

"There are things going on out there that you know nothing about. Threats to the human race that no one ever hears about, because we stop them. There's dangers all around us! And whether you like us or not, we may be all that stands between you and the abyss."


It's like the first season of Lost, except instead of an island, there's a dome, and also a metaphorical dome under which the show sits and suffocates.

Damn.  Bert Cooper, the voice of God himself.

Family to him is primarily a mechanism for maintaining power - but there is maybe some shred of principle aside from that which has nothing to do with control or reputation.  "Because you're a Lannister," he snarls at Tyrion before stalking out of the room.

Random awesomeness:

"Captain Sheridan, I - I've been instructed by my government to come to you, and ask for ……

Not a word about Richard Moll (Bull Shannon from "Night Court") as Max, the main antagonist of "Hunter, Prey"?  His comical Bull-menace peeked through and added some color to what could easily have been a forgettable character.