Reposted snpp.com Comments

Movie (and other) references

Do the Simpsons writers read this newsgroup?  Are they aware of the comments here about the rake scene and the obvious discomfort some of us felt watching it?
Is this an inside joke for us?

Has the woman who plays Lisa ever posed nude or appeared  in a porno film? If anyone has GIFs, please post 'em!

I still have to say that the program seems to be in gradual decline.  This season's premiere, while amusing, had the same problems that were becoming apparent last year. Namely 1) the amazing stream of fresh ideas and inventions that crowded the early episodes is dwindling.  2) The show seems to be getting sloppier.

The black keys on the keyboard don't correspond to s atandard keyboard at first (there are three white keys between the sets of black keys), but they do when Homer starts "Rock Around the Clock" - during which, the notes do not correspond to where he's stepping.

And -what- is it with the corn?  I -am- originally from the Sweetcorn Capitol of the World, so I just wanna know why anyone else would have 
an obsession with corn…

* The price of bargain table items was originally 50c. (This in itself seems odd given the rest of their prices.) Anyways, it changes to 10c, 15c, 10c and finally 15c.
* Channel 6 studios are very different from Bart Gets Famous.
* Lollipop should've been visible while Homer was getting out of the shower.
* How do

You can't get impaled with a Nobel Prize - it's a round medal.
Don Del Grande

When Bart left the box factory and went into the Krusty building, he pushes the door INWARD, but the door has one of those bars ON the inside, therefore he would've had to pull the door open with a handle.

I give this episode a B-.  It didn't do it for me, probably because:

Even though it was painfully obvious that that was an imposter making that childish post above, I just wanted to reiterate the fact that it was not me.

Not only is what Homer said not true for isosceles triangles, but also, it is in fact the SQUARES of two sides and the SQUARE of the remaining side.  And not just ANY side, but the sides that subtend the 90 degree angle.  I'm afraid the Simpson's might have really shown us the depth of math-illiteracy in this country-

In my opinion, this episode sucked.  There wasn't much of an ending. What *should* have happened is that the casino should have closed, one way or another.  My ending goes something like this:

As with most other episodes. I enjoyed the choice moments and references as well, but they didn't save the main storyline. Remember Marge and Jacques; remember Homer and Lurleen? It's the old "will Homer/Marge have an affair?" storyline that, in its third incarnation, is starting to get more than a little tedious. The

Could this be the worst episode of the season so far?  (flashback to three nerds in "Homer Goes to College" - flashback to Brad Goodman in "Bart's Inner Child")  Looks like we have a new champion!

Whoever drew Martha Quinn needs his/her eyes checked.

Whoever drew Martha Quinn needs his/her eyes checked.

I'd give this episode an F. You know that when the Sinbad show is funnier than the Simpsons, they've reached an all-time low. There were lousy refs (as mentioned), the only decent one was when Bart and Homer went into the float, and it looked like it was going to be a takeoff of Animal House, and they did nothing with

I'd give this episode an F. You know that when the Sinbad show is funnier than the Simpsons, they've reached an all-time low. There were lousy refs (as mentioned), the only decent one was when Bart and Homer went into the float, and it looked like it was going to be a takeoff of Animal House, and they did nothing with

The writing was flat, the story uninspiring,  the pacing glacial, the
jokes stale. The whole thing seemed totally forced, predictable,
"UnSimpsonesque." I never thought there could be such a thing as a
worthless 'Simpsons' episode, but last night's, IMHO, was the first, and
hopefully, the last.