White Power Bill

I really enjoyed Adam Sandler's cameo (much more than Theisman's), as it was the kind of self-mockery that I really liked in Funny People. I'd watch a Drunk History episode with Sandler as Lenin and Kevin James as Trotsky.

I wish they would have made Jonah Hill wear his Wolf of Wall Street teeth.

I didn't mean this as a slight to AV Club, as this is mostly just personal taste. I liked the list from PASTE probably the most because our #1's were the same, they included Cronin, Foxygen, and a couple of others that I really liked.

I strongly disagree that Yeezus is better than MBDTF. Here's why:

Eh, not my favorite Best Of list but definitely some good albums. Here is my top 10:

Agreed. It was my most listened to album this year, most likely because it is perfect for Summer.

Fake Empire? Bloodbuzz Ohio? They've got hooks, they are just a bit more subtle than a lot of stuff. The National is definitely an acquired taste, but once you acquire it, you can't get enough.

I like to think the "family plan"/two phones line about Michael was a brilliant callback to the episode where he can't find five people to fill his T-Mobile plan friend plan. A nice touch to a subtle, and in my opinion perfect, return of Michael Scott.

Unfortunately, White Power Bill succumbed to Dorothy the analrapist's psychoanalysis and ended his own life. Season 4 will be dedicated to his memory.

Yeah, so stupid. You definitely know the characters better than the actors who have been portraying them, writing them, improving them and pretty much living them for the past 9 years. Congrats on being so smart about all of the plot points, you should write some truly realistic and engaging screenplays.

Dwight, Angela, Meredith, Phyllis, Oscar. But there has been a lot of turnover, regardless.

Are you for real classifying Pam and Jim's treatment of Roy and Karen as shameful? Roy was a thoughtless, detached, warehouse worker who was getting married so he'd have a wife that would cook and clean for him. Karen was a girlfriend that someone broke up with because of lingering feelings for someone else, like that

I have watched this show every week that it aired from when I was 14 until now, when I'm 23. During that time it has been often hysterical, frequently heartwarming, occasionally tearjerking, and like all things that last for 9 years, sometimes disappointing. But despite its recent shortcomings, I grew up with this

Excellent work by Bones, he really carried his scenes. And he was the catalyst for one of my favorite lines: "I can't tell where he ends and I begins"

Man, it was evident pretty on what was happening, but having Phillip sneak off to what turned out to be the safer of the two missions was such a brilliant inversion that could lead to some serious guilt on his part.

HOT DAMN. I'm going to start listening to "Games Without Frontiers" constantly for the off chance that my life transitions into a badass montage.

Stability and benefits.

Never would have pinned Carl as the first Shameless character to make me cry.

I love that the only time Don Draper can seemingly speak truly about his emotions and beliefs is when he is making a pitch, and no one else realizes they are witnessing a rare glimpse behind his facade.

Such an amazing verse.