White Power Bill

I thought they were all steady flossin'

I wonder what was in the box. Ideas:

His reaction to Leslie saying she might have a Vows Draft in her office was incredible, since he would usually eat that shit right up.

They would've been walking and talking, but your'e right.

All of the Hitch references killed me as well, mostly because I know how much of a Hitch fan Aziz Ansari is in real life. And of how much of a Hitch fan I am in real life.

You sound like *literally* the perfect woman.

"Leslie and Ben" had appearances by DJ Roomba, Lil' Sebastian (Bucky), Ron Swanson's fist, Jerry's urine, Donna's heavenly voice, Andy's Horse Grenades, "5,000 Candles in the Wind," and more well-written emotional moments than most series have in their entire runs.  If Jean Ralphio had showed up at the wedding with

As much as I enjoyed the show, I really think that had Russo actually committed suicide as a result of his own choice instead of being outright murdered that this would have been in A/A- territory. I think they had built enough despair on his part, coupled with substance abuse, to make it plausible. Then, we would

I realized while watching this, immediately after the Office, that the reason Parks is so good is because it doesn't use romantic drama to move the plot along. Love/Attraction/Sex is a part of Pawnee but it exists naturally, and instead you have people's actual life ambitions driving the plot forward. Oh, and because

"You see, after the game, a lot of guys like to ice up their arm. Still, other fellas think that heat is the way to go. But I, have discovered the secret, Henry… hot ice! I heat up… the ice cubes! It's the best of both worlds!"

When he was flailing his arms at the birds before breaking his office window it was very reminiscent of some of Marv's freakouts during break-ins. I don't know if it was on purpose, but it was a dead ringer.

This should be at least a B+ for Saul's "I fucking hope not."

This should be at least a B+ for Saul's "I fucking hope not."

I'm not sure they did it on purpose, but the show has pretty much allowed me to perfectly empathize with Saul/Quinn in regards to Carrie. Every time they send her on a mission I get queazy, knowing she will mess up, but also knowing she's essentially their only shot at this.

I'm not sure they did it on purpose, but the show has pretty much allowed me to perfectly empathize with Saul/Quinn in regards to Carrie. Every time they send her on a mission I get queazy, knowing she will mess up, but also knowing she's essentially their only shot at this.

Holy Batman, Damien Lewis knocked it out of the damn park this episode. A one-word answer of "Yes" (when asked if Abu Nazir was planning an attack) was so packed full of relief… genius.

Holy Batman, Damien Lewis knocked it out of the damn park this episode. A one-word answer of "Yes" (when asked if Abu Nazir was planning an attack) was so packed full of relief… genius.

I think the black bag going over Brody's head was so chilling because it harkens back to Brody being taken as a POW in the first place. It's going to be really, really interesting to see how his interrogation mirrors his captivity. This show is so good at blurring the lines of right and wrong.

I think the black bag going over Brody's head was so chilling because it harkens back to Brody being taken as a POW in the first place. It's going to be really, really interesting to see how his interrogation mirrors his captivity. This show is so good at blurring the lines of right and wrong.

I don't think the Vice President thing is that far-fetched. The important thing to remember is that he is being vetted as a possible VP candidate, he has not been announced on the ticket. I wouldn't put it past Homeland to set us up for him inevitably becoming VP, but then that not happening and showing the fall out