
In the books "the Old Gods' are worshiped in the North. They're basically nature gods, the white tree with red leaves in Winterfell is sort of a sacred tree. The "New Gods" are called the Seven and are similar to the Greek/Roman gods and are worshiped everywhere else in the seven kingdoms.


Song of Ice and Fire
How about Tyrion and Jamie Lannister from a Song of Ice and Fire. Jamie's violent and arrogant but is a great example that one man's villian is another man's hero. Tyrion's a little of cheat since he's closer to a straight up hero than an anti hero but he's percieved but most people around his to

and of course author of the book 'The Man Inside Me'.

Glaring inaccuracy
Tobias wasn't a therapist he was an analrapist

Only at the AV Club
could an article about a Kenny G/Prince fued laced with a Ghostbusters 2 reference exist.

I dont think you can blame NBC, they have bent over backwards to keep the show on the air (it'll be five seasons when it concludes). The fact is America prefer to watch dancing celebrities and david caruso analyzing semen over textured slice of life dramas.

NES Humor
Come on, no reference to Raylan calling the boxer 'Little Mac'? That was priceless. Also two of the four leads from the movie Eurotrip have made appearences on this show now. So when is Michelle Trachtenburg showing up as a white trash stripper who gets involved in some sort of bootlegging terrorist ring.

"Modern" Sensibilities
I have no problem believing that Basilone would speak with a certain respect for the Japanese soldier. The point of his speech wasn't that Japanese culture was thousands of years old or that the Japanese knew how to build a good car. The point was that the Japanese soldier was a hardcore killing

Evil HAL
Favorite throw away gag of the night was when Pierce thought Jeff was gonna say Evil Hal Holbrook. They devoted a portion of prime time network tv to a Fletch 2 reference. Thats just fantastic.

Your post while spot on is hampered by the well known fact that Detroit Sucks!

I literally yelled out "Its Slim Charles!". If Wee-Bey shows up I'll be officially 100% in. Ah, who am I kidding? I already am.

No No No my friend Doors fans aren't made they're born
I think right now in Africa there's some guy madly beating on a drum, he's a Doors fan. Or an old lady on the bus sucking humbugs. She's a Rider on the Storm but she aint never heard the sounds!

Reggie sucks.
Man was Reggie Miller an insufferable prick or what? As a Bulls fan Im obviouisly biased but oh man do I hate that jerkwad.

Theres only one appropiate response to that cleavage: 'Sweet Fancy Moses'

I'm going to puke my balls out through my mouth
I LOVED the whole dance down the aisle/Maid of the Mist sequence and my feelings towards that youtube video are roughly the same as Ike Broflowski's feelings towards Susan Boyle.

I recently reread a couple of the redwall books after not reading any of the series for about 10 years and I was depressed by how lame they were… Although I did still enjoy Martin the Warrior….

Lime Coke was the shiznit

312 is quite possibly my favorite beer of all time