A.J. MacReady

The last paragraph before the "Stray observations". . . couldn't agree more.  It's nice that, for these first two eps of the new season, we Psych fans get to read reviews by someone who actually appreciates the show; as opposed to what little writing there was to read about the show before, which was all (very)

That's exactly why I really went from "enjoy this show" to "love this show" a few years back.  I'm 36 and all that 80's stuff just gets me every time.  Not to mention the interplay and chemistry between Hill and Roday, Lawson and Omundsen, Bersen and whoever; the mystery of the week is usually interesting and drawn

Couldn't agree more, Bale. Shit HAPPENED. Great ep, and the scene between Robert and Cercei was topnotch. Not to mention seeing Ned get down.

Hey Traulin/Hatin (which is fucking stupid in and of itself by the way), some of us enjoy TV Club. That's why we're here, reading these recaps. Don't like it? Then fuck off. No one's making you read it.

The way they do it in this show doesn't seem pointless or used for titillation to me, exactly. It comes across as rather matter-of-fact, actually. People are fucking or just have or are about to, maybe they're naked. Not a big deal. Seems rather prudish to me to bitch over it.
And saying The Sopranos didn't

I've watched horror flicks my whole life, even when I was way too young to. THIS flick, however. . .this movie flat-out fucked me up. It's very well-made, well-acted, and so on, but. . .Jesus.
Watched it with my neighbor (also a horror fan) and after we agreed that the only reason we kept watching was because

@ Caret -

Also -
I do blame the many, many stupid fuckers out there who would rather watch fucking Jerseylicious or whatever the fuck rather than a quality goddamn TV show. Fuck all of you stupid bastards for helping ruin TV.

Turned out it was a fly with a heart condition
Goddammit for fuck's sake bullshit piss.

It's hugely obvious that the reviewer is a Peaks fan and knows next to shit about Psych. Which he probably sees as a good thing in a condescending kind of way.

Stahl (AKA Stupid Bitch Who Sucks)
I'm sorry, but this character fucking needs to go. I get that she's insane. But Jesus Harold Christ, this has gotten ridiculous. Next I expect to see her twirling a goddamned mustache or something.

Too Good To Fail.
Sent my email. Had my girlfriend send one too. Hope it helps. If a show as high quality gets canceled but I am forced to hear about those fuckwads on Jersey Shore and any Palin, ever, I am going to shoot myself in the junk. It'd be less painful.

Bob Ross = Awesomesauce.

Enjoys Freezing to Death Ambiguously
Gotta go with Journeyman. Truly dug the show, the style, and - of fucking course - what seemed like the direction they were taking it. Then WHOOMPH and it blinks out just like Dan did. Goddammit.