
The collective wisdom seems to be
Sure, I'm as morbidly fascinated by this as the next morbidly fascinated casual horror movie watcher - though probably not so much that it will be a long time before I get around to seeing it. But a lot I've read by people who don't cringe or delight at the very idea of extreme horror

Warren, I absolutely mean the first Decline - the soundtrack to which I still have on vinyl. I really liked Suburbia when I finally saw, but Decline helped define to me what punk rock was all about. The right film/album at the right time.

Over the Edge… rad to the max. Man, I was obsessed with that movie when I was 12/13, being a kid at the tail end of the 70s and growing up in a town where there was nothing to do and nothing to look forward to.

Not to take this too seriously, but…
I really don't like Sawyer right now. I'm almost annoyed at the writers that he would be so dense as to not realized he was being played. Sure, I trust that they have a better handle of what is or isn't out of character and what needs to be put into play to steer us towards the

Nice Drumming
When they first introduced the idea of Cameron being a drummer I was prepared for some bad instrument miming. I was impressed that the actor could really pull that out; and yeah the "…label sticks" joke was good.

Yeah, I refuse to believe this movie is any better than a D+. I'm going to go with Ebert's review which pretty much confirms my preconceived bias that this is just a shitty mediocre movie.

Well, it was fuckin' annoying to listen to
I actually am interested to find out the who and why of the bleeping and whether there actually is dialog under all that at the end. But for me it was mostly just jarring and frustrating.

Too bad about the Final
From the trailer it seemed like it might have been trashy fun with a fairly clever premise. Oh well.

Another dissenting opion
Yeah, sorry, Sean. I think you missed the mark and I'm with the dissenters. I am going with the AVClub curve and not giving it an A+ … as in, very few things earn an A+. But this was, for me, easily above B territory. I don't think they were merely rehashing jokes so much as commenting again

I'm not well versed in Stooges
I thought one of the problems with Pop's later version of it was that it was mastered into a square wave. You know, the limiter just slammed up into the red. I do know I've seen it used as an example of the problems with diminishing dynamic range in the digital age. That kind of

How about REM? Good god, if ever there was band that squandered its legacy it's them.

Yeah, I'm old
I lived in NYC when these movie were first reaching US cultural consciousness - and I got to see all of these at revival screenings.

Lifetime Movie Plot
Since I have only basic cable and no fancy DVR channel guide, I rely on the TV Guide channel to see what's on. Lately, in addition to their steady programming of American Idol recaps and reality programs from 2 years ago, they've been airing old Lifetime TV movies.

Her voice
Her voice, the cadence, the tone, is so distinctive. I kept hearing it while reading this. She could probably make a killing doing voice over work.

Um, TV on the Radio
As long as we're talking about the influence of Peter Gabriel, let's not neglect Brooklyn's favorite sons. I mean, they're a great band and have their own thing going on, but dude can sound a lot like Gabriel.

Exactly. Non-Republicans who parrot the whole "one term president" line are simply following the narrative of the right-wing spin machine. Just get the idea out there that he is ineffectual, speak of it as fact, and pretty soon it becomes common wisdom. Lee Attwater lives, friends, and Rove is still very much keeping

We all want a front row seat at the end
As I've gotten older and pondered my own mortality, my own legacy (such as it is) I've come to realize that the apocalyptic fantasy of certain people has far less to do with spiritual conviction and more to do with being unable to grasp how little we each matter in the grand