
That seriously cracked me up, C'mon.

New Amsterdam?
I watched it on Hulu and it was decent and had a clever premise that was well executed: Man that doesn't age has lived in New York City for the entire time it has been a city.

That was my favorite throwaway gag. Well, that and the Susan Boyle bit.

This looks totally up my ally.

I used to have a VHS screener for 'What Happened Was…' - I mostly remember it was a very actor-y/stage-y and pretty depressing. But he and that woman from Simple Men are great.

Zack, just want to say cheers for your response here and in the other comments. I take your point, and I think it's reasonable, even if it wasn't what I walked away from this film with. It's true the stories didn't really delve into the characters beyond playing off a few well-explored horror archetypes, and that one

Fair enough, Zack. I respect that you watched it twice in hopes of finding something to be positive about. When I had it from Netflix I watched it a 2nd time, thinking that the hype on the horror fan sites might have colored my critical judgement. I found I enjoyed it even more the 2nd time around.

Well, this was disappointing
I was raving about this a few weeks ago on a couple of threads. I was looking forward to AVClub joining in the championing of this cult movie in the making, a horror movie that would appeal to more than just the converted. Oh well.

There is indeed a big NASCAR racetrack up outside of Concord New Hampshire. New Hampshire, the Mississippi of the north.

So unfortunate…
Indication that this is not the person to be appreciating a Johnston album: "…high-profile collaborators destroyed that aesthetic and erased Johnston's sad charm."

I think this was pretty rich w/ mythology
My immediate reaction to this episode, having just watched it on Hulu, is that it really does a nice job if not propelling the mythology forward at least meta-commenting on it. The cuts between the Chaucer loving professor, the Chaucer story he was 'teaching', and the serial


As you'll see me raving above, for me Trick 'r Treat is easily among the best horror films of the last decade or two. It aspires more toward the Creepshow fun-scary end of the genre but it's brilliantly done but is genuinely creepy/scary in parts.

Well, have you driven the New Honda Insight? It's a great car…

Hey AVClub
I'm double posting this, 'cause I think it deserves a DVD review.

Off topic sorta
By the by, I just watched 'Trick 'r Treat' which was just released on DVD. If you at all enjoy horror/scary movies watch this movie. It may be the best one I've seen; at least among the best. Good old fashion horror movie with a wicked sense of humor, great spins on tired old Halloween horror tropes,

Oh yeah, and this made me totally want to go back and re-listen to Rapeman (tho' I still kinda hate the name) which I haven't heard since it came out. didn't really grab me at the time; I wonder how I'll feel about it now.

And not that anyone asked or cares, but I totally enjoyed Leonard's Gateway. As an old-time Big Black fan - even saw them once on their farewell tour, and believe me I was right at the front of the stage - I would have made different choices. But why would I want to quibble with someone who clearly enjoys and respects

It was either Power of Independent Trucking or Racer X that made me stop and go "Holy Fuck!' Everything I loved about 80s hip hop crossed with my post-punk sensibilities. I personally would have a hard time recommending either Atomizer or …Fucking as a full album introduction, but …Trucking is a great song to throw

Yeah, I'm of the age and temperament where Big Black and Albini were a huge deal. Racer X, Atomizer and …Fucking were 3 of my absolute favorite albums back in the day.