
I agree that Reid is terrible in this. Yep, clever, not terribly deep movie; better than expected to great soundtrack; really funny performances by most everyone. But Reid sucks so bad she can't even play a dumb blonde with any conviction. Anytime they hand a comic bit to her the movie just grinds to a halt, which is

Define hard work. I'm self-employed and the only health insurance I can afford is hope to hell I don't get fuckin' sick. I work like 80 hours a week most of the time so don't tell me that the public option is only for welfare cheats and 'willfully poor.' Waiters, bartenders, students, freelancers, temps, and probably

Ladies and Gentlemen
Presenting Zodiac Motherfucker:

Having nothing to do with the subject matter… the drumming in that song is just amazing. Guy may be total tool, but as a drummer he is among the best.

From Rainn Wilson's twitter feed: ""RADITUDE." WEEZER. BRING THE ROCK. & Yr WELCOME. RT @RiversCuomo @RainnWilson Thank you for the amazing album title!"

Also, I remember reading a high-brow film magazine interview with Cronenberg when this was released. He talked extensively about the advances his team accomplished in being able to have the same actor on the screen actually interacting with himself; he wanted to have Irons hugging himself without using doubles and

I really do need to see this again
I've only ever seen it on VHS, most likely on some pitiable 12" TV back in the late 80s. But for years it would have been the Cronenberg movie I was least likely to see again. (Though I'll cop to not having the nerve to sit through Naked Lunch.) The whole "instruments for mutant

Indeed, that was part of the apocryphal lore surrounding this movie when the cult really began to take hold: that the common "Hollywood" wisdom was Irons' Oscar was more for his jaw-dropping performance in Dead Ringers than for his Claus Von Bulow impersonation, but there was no way the Academy was going to give an

Good call, sir. Good call.

And, yeah, that's anecdotal information so I could be wrong. But it seems to make sense. And I seem to one of the soldiers saying something about it.

Weapons on Stage
I'd just thought I point out, since it's been brought up a few times, that the soldiers bringing weapons on stage is actually a military regulation for active duty soldiers, never having your weapon more than arms' length from you. If they didn't have their weapons with them they could be court

In this cult
I was the target audience for Hartley when he was in his prime: saw Unbelievable Truth on a whim while it was in theaters, and absolutely loved it. I think Simple Men may be my favorite; but it's pretty hard to choose among any of them. And the common themes, the use of flat affect dialog that circles

Quirk, I think the show you're thinking of was called Wonderland.

Funniest shit on the TV
Someone on these boards made a comment about this show and that it could be found on Netflix Watch Now - and I watched the first 4 episodes in a row. Since I don't have premium cable this is a blessing, and the whole season is up there now, so, yeah, greatest thing I've seen on TV in a while.

You are absolutely right, sir. In fact I would posit that isolating even Trust misses the point of the Hartley's place in the New Cult Cannon. Unbelievable Truth, Trust, and Simple Men are what Hartley referred to as his "Long Island Trilogy" and the 3 films, while only cursorily overlapping characters, are very much

I completely agree that this is intentional. I got that this is was reference to Luanne's former ambitions and a chance to wrap-up her story. Good for them.

While I have no particularly strong love for him, Desolation Angels is about the period right when OTR was catching the zeitgeist and he was already ripping into the hipsters and poseurs by that point. It's a much better starting point for appreciating Kerouac.

I think Ellis gets a lot of grief because he's a terrible writer. I'm so with Pierce on this one

I think I'm the only target audience hipster who actually likes that big sell-out record. Hey, I loved Guyville and WhiteChocolate back in the day as much as any skinny, pale boy with pointy hair…

First off, you're not really looking for intellectual deconstruction on a pop-culture message board, are you?