
"See, there's this hitman…"
Good christ, screenwriters need to figure out another cliche. Having a hitman as a primary character is just lazy at this point.

How did I not know about this show? Thanks, Koski, for the heads up on this one. This is some funny shit. Some great players. I'm all over this.

I, too, thought he was pretty funny on SNL (via Hulu). The HSM 4 skit has some nice moments.

Leonard, That clicking sound you hear is the NSA hardwiring itself to your online activities.

I'm going with "Shoot Out the Lights" by Richard & Linda Thompson. Or X's "Under a Big Black Sun". Both, in their own way, portraits of marriages in advanced state of decay and loss in general. Both play perfectly from start to finish. (Note: the bonus cut on the CD of Shoot Out the Lights completely ruins the perfect

I more or less agree with WIRE above.

Just want to say, yep, I'm sold. This episode absolutely kicked ass. I liked the layers it added to the show, I thought the fights were well done, particularly the 2nd (the roll over the car roof was nice stunt/camera work). And, yes, Mellie is incredibly hot.

@Haden I'm more of an East Coast post-punk guy but I'm way with you on this one, two of the best rock 'n' roll movies I can think of.

Indeed, of all the things I've read about the movie, this troubles me the most. I suspected it was going this way when I saw the first production stills of Nite Owl. That pot belly that even his suit couldn't hide. Now there's a costume character that an aging guy can relate to! Having him look all slim and actually

Well I, for one, have gained a new appreciation of The Shining. And I saw it, and was sufficiently freaked out, in the theater when I was like 12 when it was first released. But I'd also read the King novel, and while I thought the movie was unforgettable, I was never able to reconcile the two in my mind. 'Yeah, why

See's good in everything…
It's like that MST3K joke about Gene Hackman, "Oh, he's good in everything."

+1 on seeing Sugar.

I'll be that guy: The Minutemen were as excellent as you would imagine. Played songs from all their albums, by the time of Project Mersh and 3-Way Tie they were a well-oiled machine and nothing would break the momentum of the concert. Mike broke a string? DBoon would launch into one of his solo guitar pieces; DBoon

As someone who saw Husker…
"t was their last record, so they could draw from their whole catalogue at the show…"

Well, to each there own. I find Cenac funny. I laugh out loud a lot during his bits.

Big boy crush
Yeah, I got one on Wyatt Cenac.

Well, since we're all joining in a couple of weeks early…

"the songs on Bright Orange and Lotus are largely formless and unmemorable."

Bill Sage
Wow, it's a long way from Hal Hartley.

Class of 1984!