The Rural Juror

I remember when I first heard Is a Real Boy and found out Bemis was only 19, thinking "man, this guy has some classic albums ahead of him."
Boy, did I bet on the wrong horse. But IARB does pretty much justify the whole early 00's emo phase all by itself.

I can see that argument, but I guess I would say the difference for me is that Randy from the Wrestler felt like a real person, and not just a cipher for the movie's theme, like I felt about Portman's character in Black Swan.

I remember that I never successfully completed a 1080 (although I never played the game a whole lot). Ah, for the days that games were difficult.

Massively overrated. The Wrestler is the only great movie he's ever made. Pi is decent. Black Swan is a glorified B-movie salvaged by a fantastic performance from Portman. Requiem is admittedly compelling but I wouldn't call it a truly great film. The Fountain is borderline unwatchable. Hated it.

It's weird that the first movie I thought of, based on those adjectives, was No Country for Old Men. Probably not what you were going for, but there it is.

Who couldn't like Grand Funk? The wild shirtless lyrics of Mark Farmer? The bong-rattling bass of Mel Schacher? The competent drumwork of Don Brewer? Oh man!

Grand Funk Railroad a terrible band?!?! They paved the way for Jefferson Airplane, which cleared the way for Jefferson Starship. The stage was now set for the Alan Parsons project, which I believe was some sort of hovercraft.

I hate that cover.

Am I the only person who thought the collar points on Billy's shirt were distractingly long?

I think this show, along with Lost, prove just how hard it is to write a good, fully-formed mythology. All the good stories were dibs'd like a thousand years ago.

I bet fingerbanging her is like feeding a pony.

What is this NHL you speak of?

"I wish Watchmen had never been adapted."

I'll be John Cassavetes. Let me know when you're ready.


Agreed. Obviously there's always differing opinions, but he and his band seem to attract more negativity than usual. I've always assumed it's his voice, but I think it fits the music and the lyrics perfectly.

If you are on the fence about the Hold Steady, go see them live. One of the top 5 shows I've ever been to, and I've been to a lot.

Finn always seems like such a thoughtful guy. Can't wait to hear the solo album.

Like lylebot said, authorial intent is hardly the final word. In this case, yes, I think the creators are totally wrong. It is a plot-driven show that happens to have interesting characters (in my opinion, of course, durr hurr).

The interactions with the Island could be different, but the fundamental nature of the Island would still be the same.