
It pisses me off that older people don't count any more. I ain't no spring chicken but I watch the idiot box, I'm smart and I have $$$, so what the f#ck is wrong with me as a viewer?

And the name of the captain will be Bundy, right?

As a proud and patriotic Canadian, I am proud to claim Mr. Fillion as One of Our Own, but you guys can have Cruz. Please. Keep him on your side of the border.

Given his later behaviour with his step-daughter, it's certainly plausible.

*Sigh* Well, been nice knowing y'all …

Of course he thinks about himself. But what he doesn't say is that because he's a narcissist (and most likely a sociopath to boot) what he thinks is that he's wonderful and that he's done nothing wrong.

He'd probably enjoy that.


It never surprised me that Allen would marry a kid. Look at "Manhattan"; a quintessential Allen wet dream. One of the Hemingways (Muriel/Mariel/whomever) lusting after his dweeby skinning unattractive body to the point where she doesn't want to go to Paris. Jesus!


It's astonishing what will cause people to get their knickers in a knot.

I can't help it ..; I keep watching. Maybe I've been infected …