
I have to disagree with the general sentiment. I laughed harder at this episode than I have in a while. Yes it was a tired sit-commy premise, but that's exactly what this show does best. It takes those cliches and breathes fresh hilarity into them.
Although it's possible I just liked it because I think Jason Segel

The Natural

in recent memory- "Into the Wild"
I'm not usually a crier, but that entire movie gets me, especially the part you know is coming. I just empathize with Alexander Supertramp a little too much. He reminds me of too many people.

Man, they really love the Bon Iver on this show, not that I'm complaining.

and Penny is Sawyer and Juliet's baby! A crazy-ass theory with nothing to back it up other than the fact that their baby would totally look like Penny.

I was always confused in earlier seasons that the Others treated the survivors so shittily and didn't even attempt to explain their motives, then seemed surprised or hurt when the survivors fought back. So when the survivors ended up in the past- I thought this might clear up some of the Others unclear motives. If

Something I wonder about- supposedly Des is special because only he has flashes of the future so he is the only one who can see the repercussions of the choices in the present, giving him a higher degree of control over what happens. But doesn't Eloise Hawking demonstrate that she too can see the future when she's

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it seemed like there was something more sinister to Albert's insistence on taking back Paul's body than just proof of retribution. The panicky way that Amy insisted they take the body back with them gave me a very unsettled feeling about what the Hostiles do to bodies.

A New Hope
sibling sexual tension, bad guy turns out to be hero's dad…
i'm not a big enough star wars nerd to see what other connections there are here