Eyeful of Wang-Neck

I've never been so simultaneously amused and annoyed as I was by that sketch. The beauty of KITH, I guess.

*best Bruce McCulloch voice*


"I once saw a blind guy bite a police horse!"

I've punched a guy for less.

There's always one.

I'm still pissed about that 32X debacle. I told you "DON'T LET THE GUY AT TOYS R US TALK YOU INTO ANYTHING."

As much as I love Archer, I'd rather have Dingo back. And Adam Reed would make a much better Archer. But I'm learning to get over it.

You f*cks let Frisky Dingo die.

John Paul Jones presents: SUNK'D!

That must be good for the ego…recording a podcast, then realizing it was on the shelf for 4 months.

I would LOVE to see her do a character.

I find this amusing for some reason.

Ha. Fair enough.

Didn't catch this week's, but the show's been hot lately. The Tom Segura "dog in a bathtub" bit and Chris Cox's James Taylor ("I'm blazin' some ganj Vermont-style…you guys know what Vermont-style is? We smoke it out of a ski boot. Also called a Rosignol") blew me away.

PFT's loud and boisterous characters tend to overwhelm all but the biggest personalities. Jon Hamm comes to mind as someone who still has a presence even while sharing the mic with Tompkins, but there aren't many others. Even Ben Stiller seemed to disappear behind Ice-T.

His Danny Glover was hysterical. "I'm just here to be too old for things. RIGGGGGS!"

[chews on cigarillo, squints, says nothing]

[touches nose knowingly]

AIDS! Cancer time.