Bubba Paris

this shit is horrible.

And here I thought the whole reason you put this list together was to talk about Wonderfalls.

And here I thought the whole reason you put this list together was to talk about Wonderfalls.

I also couldn't help but notice this timeline plot, the whole "Earth 2" bit from the UN episode, and the Inspector Spacetime joke might make for a nice theme this season…

I love you guys.


Threat Level Midnight.

I was hoping for that too.

how can you review a show and make every single episode an A? this was at least a B. why am i upset about this? i don't know. but Chang as the zany roommate? Really?

oh av club.
Borges and Beastie Boys in the same paragraph. You guys— what am I gonna do with you?

She's busy
Black Swan, Other Woman, Thor, No Strings Attached, Your Highness…

Please forgive the nerdiness of this comment.
I'm really upset by this. I've really enjoyed the Iron Man movies. Part two was a little too packed with storylines, but Favreau was quick to point the finger at Marvel. It's a world that Favreau has built, and he should be allowed to determine what happens in it.

I've been loving this second season, though I do think they need to bring it back to reality a bit. They've totally stepped up on taking the group out of the study room, and going on crazy adventures, but the "bottle episode" was one of the best episodes of the year and it was all in one room! Sometimes it's just

Dino and Dan Harmon wrote this episode. I hope this is the first of many.

Did anyone else notice that Zookeeper is just Night at the Museum in a zoo?

Yeah I thought they were gonna stay in the CDC for awhile, and psycho Dr. Jenner would be looking for FRESH SAMPLES for the benefit of mankind.

THANK YOU organgrinder.

This show suffers from way, way too much sentimentality, and really fake "cutesy" moments between the characters. I groaned when they had Carl taste the wine. The talking computer was pretty terrible, too. We don't need the fucking virus explained to us. We know how zombies work.