a killing word

What a long newswire. And not about any sort of news, at that.

'If it's got four really great songs, the rest of it can be just all right."


Every time Liz Phair is mentioned in conversation, by which I mean I bring her up, all anyone else knows about her is H.W.C., and I end up embarrassed to have ever been a fan.

Take that Demi Moore!

TW: They tried it, yeah. Wouldn't you? If you found a jar of
honey in a thousands-of-years-old tomb, would you put your finger into
it and taste it?

So, the grade-era of reviews has begun. And not a moment too soon. 

Which one is the guy who feels the need to constantly repeat and explain jokes that occur in the episode? "Homer isn't very smart…I love that" and things like that. He's the worst.

I hear Werner Herzog has a role in Jack Reacher. As much as I like him, I don't expect it would make it worth watching that movie. 

Ooops. The movie I was looking for was Mansquito. Unless I really misremember that movie, I am in the wrong place. 

Not to be confused with that documentary about the American military. Whatsitcalled. Respectro?

Thank God! Another rule follower!

I was fanatical about not cheating in these things. I'm desperately reading through all the comments to see if anybody else had the same experience. When I read Heller's contention that everyone cheated, I felt actual pangs.

She use to be on a whole bunch of History channel Bible specials. I suppose they don't do those now, due to lack of aliens. 


Each film reviewed here has its own page. Are the comments sections connected? 

Rock Hudson looked a lot like Cary Grant. I mean, it's downright scary. 

I don't understand why an ambitious writer would try to pass off something like this as true. Isn't a work of fiction inherently more interesting than some guy you've never heard of talking about himself?

I think "Battery In Your Leg" is the only track that really holds up at this late date. 

Well, it was bigger…just not very good.