Hillary Duff as Dean Martin? I guess it could work.
Hillary Duff as Dean Martin? I guess it could work.
I didn't think it was all that memorable, personally. The climax was a bit heavy-handed for me. Don't quite remember what the very last scene was.
The title does sort of give away the whale-riding, doesn't it? Loses a bit of tension.
Can't say I liked the Nuclear War EP. The versions just weren't that different from one another. I did like them more than Sun Ra's original though — I don't care for any vocals in a Sun Ra song.
Who's to say our secret puppet-masters wouldn't enjoy a relaxing game of ping pong? They're only human.
Jack White is one of the few musicians that I can't help but call 'overrated' every time he comes up. It's such an assy thing to do, I know.
Great movie. Just missed a chance to see it on the big screen.
I hate Journey.
For our consideration: Is this the origin of seapunk?
Pavement is one of my very favorite bands, but I haven't listened to any post-breakup stuff by anyone in the band. Strange.
I didn't enjoy this movie very much.
Crispin Glover seems to pretty much do what he wants to do. That's pretty cool.
The title makes it sound like this is Hideo Nakata's personal chaos. As if it would be a documentary about his creative process.
Anybody seen this? Is it totally lost to history?
I don't see how this review neglected to mention "Pinch Me" female vocal of "My mouth's open wide / as if saying come on in" or the glory that is the song "Richard Nixon," which presents that President as a Christ-like figure.
Really great review. A "writing sample" submission if ever there was one.
The worst Queen Latifah movies I have seen are Sphere and that one where she dates Common. I couldn't tell if Common's character in that was supposed to be sort of dumb, or that was unintentional. He just seemed confused all the time, is what I'm saying.
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I like almost any band in which the songwriter committed suicide. Took me a while to come around to Joy Division, though. Initially "Isolation" was the only song I enjoyed, but it was the foot in the door, I suppose.
Unfortunately, the website mentioned in this article has been replaced by some sort of business blog. http://www.songpoemmusic.com/ seems to be the new home.