The Immortal Iron Fist

I usually just lurk, but rarely actually post. However, I must say: nice avatar.

That's a good point, I guess the details we heard about his life before the war WERE pretty messed up. The war probably didn't exactly help ,though.

PIG FUCK! was a moment that made me wish I had been watching it with someone else. It's classic.

Haha, yep! I saw it with my nieces, if that means anything. My daughter is a tad too young for a theater.

… as the Gervais joke right above pointed out. Ugh, shoot me.

Tears aren't the only thing a Kleenex can soak.

Wreck-It Ralph was so great. I'm excited to show it to my young daughter … hopefully it replaces Toy Story 3 and Mary Poppins as the movies that are in constant rotation around the house. I pre-ordered the blu ray from Amazon, can't wait for it to get here.

One of my favorite things about Kanye — and something that I don't think he gets nearly enough credit for — is how much time, energy and thought he clearly puts into his production.

I actually just finished Planetary up a few months ago. Holy moly, that's some good stuff. I have a feeling it will be almost like the Simpsons, where as I get older and experience more pop culture, I'll discover more and more things were being referenced that I wasn't familiar with at the time.

I actually just finished Planetary up a few months ago. Holy moly, that's some good stuff. I have a feeling it will be almost like the Simpsons, where as I get older and experience more pop culture, I'll discover more and more things were being referenced that I wasn't familiar with at the time.

Agreed 100%.