
I really don't understand why this was written. "Song invokes feelings of nostalgia" is now worthy of an entire article? It's a classic hip hop anthem, I don't know what else you need to know about it.

Tom Waits and George Clinton

You probably are. This was so much better than that boring ass first collection.

It was YOU who killed me!
Yoohoo? What kind of stupid name is Yoohoo?


They're all made of fuckin' Lego.

Favorites: Bot Seeks Bot and What Color Is Your Cleansuit?

How is Jizz in My Pants not on here?

Poppin' My Collar - Three 6 Mafia


The Iron Giant. Loved it when I saw it in theaters as a kid, love it just as much to this day.

That certainly would be weird, seeing as how the review makes it clear as day, including in the bold text directly above the review that this is airing on Adult Swim, not HBO.

Marduk, you totally rule.
I totally already know that.

Damn, these beats are so fresh! SNAP!

I'm not concerned in the slightest about the fate of Bunheads. THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID IT.

I always thought it was because Tarantino wouldn't add in a role for his kids to play.

What parts in a car are Jewish?
…Spark plugs.
That's right! Spark plugs were invented by the Jews to control global traffic!

Looks like we're going to have to complete the fight without weapons.
You mean a battle of wits?
Close, we fight with JAZZ.
Bring it on, daddy-o.

That song doesn't usually last three hours, but we got into a serious thing. Then I forgot how it ended.

"Can we have pizza more?" "Pizza more, I have no idea what that means."