
Yeah, I'm not sure on the Will-Alicia either, it's become so repetitive. In isolation , I liked that scene .

LOL, he is the only one pushing the brand. Makes me laugh every time

I kinda liked the 'mindsex' as you put it. It was fun to watch their repartee of smiles.

They still want to live in that house !

Heh. Good point. She is stuck in a pit of despair where she just sits there , about to cry, not really crying, pretending to be strong.

James was a naive character all along. It was odd to watch him make the inevitable transition every character on Scandal is destined for and turn corrupt.

I demand a scene involving Amy, Aubrey, Tatiana and Kristen Bell sharing the screen. That would be too much awesomeness, so I'm not sure if we're ready for that.

What was that bit about telling her 'gladiators' the story and asking it is entirely up to them whether they help her or not? Of course, they are bound to help after you've just told them the tragic story of 'the love of your life' having possibly killed your mother. I've never been convinced that her team would do

These Grants are monsters. What a shocking episode !

This was a good episode, until the end when they decided to make it about Brody. Ugh , Brody.

Yes, I feel the same. I just think Bellamy Young is the better actress. Okay maybe not a better actress, at least her portrayal is more interesting than Washington's.

I don't know, the first time Olivia's father made that comment about being 'Twice as good, to get half as far' , everyone naturally assumed it to be about race. I am not from a country with many races, so I may just be plain wrong, but that was extrapolating to the extreme. My parents used to say things like that

Grace has always been flaky with her interests. Remember the “I am a mustard seed" plot from season 2 . That led to a hilarious scene between her and Alicia. If it leads to anything like that, I'd be okay. But currently, she is just all over the place. Maybe realistic for teenagers, but really boring for an adult TV

I did watch that awful show ,Hunted. She was sulking all the time. Not sure if it's the actress or the writing.

We are obliged to watch it from Alicia's POV, so it feels wrong. What if it's just harmless talk, and not flirting at all? The writers seem intent on pushing this through, but yeah, agreed , it's boring.

Alicia didn't seem to mind last week when Peter made that comment about Internet companies. I don't think she's as virtuous as she once was. She'd probably be a little annoyed with Peter, but then it would be back to normal.

I think they are setting up Dar Adal to betray Saul and vie for some Assistant Director of CIA ( Is there such a thing?).

Fine episode. I was ambivalent about the first few episodes , but this was tense and thrilling. Thank you Todd, for mentioning Le Carre. I love his books, and this did feel inspired by his work. Not sure if this is where the season is going , but if Saul-Javadi can turn out to be as intriguing as Karla-Smiley, I'm all

What an atrocious movie. I couldn't stand the smug magicians since the beginning. I couldn't side with Ruffalo's character because of his utter incompetence and then that awful twist to finish it.

Margaux referring to Emily's past could mean something sinister. Although, it could just be the plot point to push Daniel to confront Emily . This is Revengeverse, and everybody has an agenda, so I'll go for the former.