
I actually liked Hiddleston better in this than in the previous two plays, since at least here he was allowed to wear facial expressions other than the cold contemptuous stare he had permanently affixed to his face whenever Falstaff was around (which was a lot, since everything besides Falstaff in the Henry IV plays

Especially since, y'know, the archers and the tactics were the only reason the English won at Agincourt.

I will commit sacrilege here and say that Branagh is just plain better than Olivier.

I want to see a production of the Henry VI trilogy with all the Joan of Arc scenes replaced with the scenes from George Bernard Shaw's "Saint Joan."

Hear here. Whichever way the final scene is played, there should at least be some connection between them beforehand. But not here. They just didn't have any chemistry, no camaraderie, I never got the impression that they enjoyed being in one another's company. Hal didn't change at all during this play.
The strange