Kevin Eubanks Laughing With U

thank you so much @avclub-2e4bb6c767bd3473039afd5dbc689032:disqus !

thank you!

Thank you!   My oncologist told me last week that my chances of relapsing are about as low as they could be, so I'm pretty happy right now:)

Thank you!  And cancer can, indeed, suck it.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Thank you Scrawler!  I appreciate the kind words :)

Thank you!   The debt is no big deal, I'm just so happy to be alive and well.

Thank you @avclub-de4a08d644135b09bd7e1a592dff156b:disqus !  I really appreciate it.

Thank you!  I really appreciate it :)


Thank you :)

Thanks Lurky!

Thanks K!  I really appreciate it:)

Thank you :)

Thank you!

Thank you!  I am proud of myself and grateful for my friends and family for their support :)

@avclub-4bc946339e7e2883f301b396e313b8da:disqus  Reading his/her story made me super happy :)

Thank you, hat!   Your kind words mean a lot to me!

Thank you :)

Thank you, and thumbs up for the Lemieux mention!  His story is pretty incredible.

Thanks, handjob!  I appreciate then kind words!