Kevin Eubanks Laughing With U

Upvoted twice for flagrant anti-mohd sentiments.

Good news thread!

Upvoted for flagrant anti-Mohd sentiments.

I'm not very surprised to learn that you behave like a child out in the real world too. ..

Upvoted for blocking Mohd's firstie.

@joey.blowey. it's been miserably hot here in Denver too, though you should absolutely move back anyway.

The Akron/Family song that plays as he discovers his son's body is just fantastic.

4 8. 15. 16. 23. 42

I'm going to jump on the pile- your "eh, this exists" firstie collecting is really kinda sad. Aren't you going to make films or something? Go do that.

Non-ironically upvoted for ironically upvoting Chumbawumba's worst song.

WTF is Straz lol

Kevin Eubanks gets your joke! And he likes it, though it'd never fly with Jay.

No, Problem!

The string arrangements on this record are incredible. David Campbell (Beck's father!) knocked it out of the park.

He was in the second episode- the "Very Much Reluctant Gigolos" sketch.

Ha! You're - ha! You're Right!

Heh heh heh heh!!!

I knew that he lives in Asia but assumed that he does the firstie thing deliberately , because he posts tons of them and there are still plenty of other people posting at that hour…

I have a question for you- I'm actually curious, not trying to be a dick.

Pick up Mogwai's "Mr. Beast" while you're out. It's absolutely incredible.