
I think Mrs S was equally shaken by her mentor and strongly implied
mother figure just, essentially, sold her to the enemy, and presumably
she's going to go off and kill her brother figure after Sarah ran away. I
think she was hurt by Sarah, but mostly her entire worldview was just
shaken. "My protection of Kira has

In the norman invasion, literally all the parties involved were Vikings. Opportunistic Norwegians via Tostig, the Normans (Northmen, lead by a descendant of Rollo), and the Anglo-Saxons (Germanic Viking tribes who conquered the Britons). Basically, yeah, you're 100% right. Back then, there was literally no escaping

I'm not really holding my breath, because the show loves to punish Fiona, but I can definitely see where you're coming from. We'll see, I guess!

Yeah, that's Lip's major character flaw, though. Fiona is really selfless, but Lip (like Frank) is really selfish, and he has difficulty seeing the good someone's done in the past when they're doing something he doesn't like in the present (like him getting pissed at Fiona when she looses money at the club, or lets

Exactly. I 100% agree that it's Fiona's fault, but I'm a little tired of the show always making everything her fault while Lip and Frank (but especially Lip) get off scott free, get every opportunity and overcome every hurdle. Fiona is the most unambiguously well-intentioned and kind person on the show; it's kind of

Uh, intelligence isn't like pushing a rock up a hill, and the
stronger you are, the better you do. It's a lot of different factors, and a lot of different skills, and a lot of different places to pool your effort. Standardized tests are pretty simplistic, and tend to follow a formula. Professors all want different

Which, in my opinion, is true of Alicia too. They very have similar ethics, 'family first' being foremost among them.

Then we're just interpreting her actions differently. I never saw Alicia as being holier-than-thou about anything. She flat out tells Will and Diane exactly what she's going to do to them when the time's come. She just doesn't take the mustache twirl enjoyment from it that many characters do, so she doesn't harp and

I saw it as an admonition that Sherlock isn't very good at
sharing or helping or… emotions in general. He wants to help you,
Gregson, but this isn't his area of expertise; he can refer you to an
expert in the field?

But Kalinda is all about Kalinda, and Will is all about Will, and Cary is all about Cary. What makes Alicia stand out on a show populated entirely by amoral self-centered lawyers (and their associates, in Kalinda's case)? Is it that she's polite, and doesn't go out of her way to reestablish I'M ONLY OUT FOR MYSELF at

Then I think we agree and are just phrasing it differently. (Yeah, the legal vs moral is a good distinction.)

I don't know about you guys, but I've always seen Alicia as a pretty amoral character. She's just not amoral-sleazy do-anything-to-survive like Will and occasionally Cary (and nowhere near as totally morally bankrupt and petty as David Lee). Alicia's never gonna shank orphans or steal to get ahead, but she has no

Yes, but Lip is a confused teenager from a terrible home situation. Steve, meanwhile, is from an extremely privileged background and has grown up in the lap of luxury his entire life. When Lip screws up or is cruel to someone, it's the actions of a young adult with abusive parents who grew up with sparse guidance and

Yes, I agree completely. If, next season, they try to play the whole 'Fiona is bummed out by her boring unfulfilling job!' routine, I will be extremely incredulous. Fiona has worked in waste management! It's clear she doesn't find, or expect to find, or care about finding, fulfillment at her work.

I saw some speculation elsewhere that posited that Ian was actually running toward Mickey's room (and by extension, his huge cache of guns), so let that be balm for your broken shipper heart, if need be.

The social worker who leaves the file of Franks 'anonymous' call for Fiona— who is her actress? I -know- i've seen her somewhere before, but I can't remember, and IMDB isn't helping. It is driving me insane. Help?

Ellen, to me, was represented as close look at the stereotypical self-absorbed actor/tress. She's smart and talented, but her first priority is always herself because she's a little bit too in love with the mystique of the stage, so she lets everything else fall to the wayside.There are consequences to this, of

Well, due to the series' pretty huge fanbase, I'd say more than just English majors are enjoying it.

Nope, you've got it. Breedlove is based on Kenneth Branagh.

I really wasn't feeling this episode.