
The gameplay in V was much better than IV in my opinion, and I liked the three-character perspective. But story-wise, I think four was really good. For plot and how much I felt attached to the protagonist and their development, I'd probably rate GTA games (I've played) as follows:
VC Stories
LC Stories

An acquaintance's 11-year old son does that when at our place. It's really funny (and frustrating) to watch because he's such a car nerd, he spends ages in the garage in GTA5 to find the fastest, best car, and then slowly drives it around, stopping at all the red lights.

"polio… stronger back". Nice.

It's interesting to me to read these Vice City opinions. It is the only one in the series I've beaten 100%, no cheating. The hardest part for me was doing some of the ring chases on the bike, and the ambulance took me quite awhile.

Yes, I think your Dark Knight example is what I was speaking of. Thanks for the explanation.

I certainly would not bother with a fund as well if it was returning 6%. I'm only speaking from personal experience, but I do believe you are as well.

Yes, I realised it was poorly stated as I wrote it. I'm so unsure of what is driving it, that I don't even know how to ask. Basically, I thought I read about how some scenes in a film are shot one way, such as that it fills the whole screen, but that other scenes are shot in a different aspect ratio. I was just

Yeah, that sort of app feature being a selling point never really made sense to me. I can access Netflix in no fewer than six ways in my entertainment setup, and the TV or Apple TV are the fastest. The Xbox One and PS3/4 are the slowest.

All of them? Or just Klaus and Rudolf?

I find it interesting that 4k is really being looked at with a sceptical eye, and rightly so, but that phone/point&shoot makers are getting people excited about buying ones with bigger and bigger MP counts. They aren't getting bigger sensors, or they definitely aren't making billboard sized prints.

What is the change in films that makes the perspective change? Don't some scenes fill the screen, and others are letterboxed?

I would be happy to get my money back for the Xbox One and repurchase a 360 (I gave the other to my young nieces). I fully expected the new Kinect to be miles better. But I hate that the avatar creator tries too hard, and actually makes something less similar. I hate that I have only found three games I wanted to

You absolutely need to have a cash reserve for essentials, but beyond that I stand by investing; it has done phenomenally well for us, particularly in the last few months. But you are right that every situation is different. If you are young, $30k certainly can grow a decent amount, but you have to look at it in a

Cool. I'll pick it up and get into it on my next long flight.

I think the best argument for why public universities should be free to their residents is because of degree inflation. No one would ever argue that high schools should charge their pupils. A bachelor degree now is as essential as the high school degree was mid-century. So make it free.

That seems pretty harsh on the tree. Good thing he didn't do the same thing when he reached for the wine bottle, and found nothing but dregs.

He'll be fine. His god seems to have a much simpler set of rules.

That is rough. I should be having a child at some time in the near future, and wonder about how much it would cost to pay for their university costs. Mine were covered by academic scholarship; I'll be pushing the child to do the same! Or go to university in her mother's home country, where it is about $500 a year at

Congrats on your financial security, but I wanted to chime in and say you may be doing some of it wrong. It's great to be able to pay cash for cars, or even houses. But with interest rates where they are, you are leaving money on the table not taking out mortgages/loans for those things, and investing your own

That Dark Souls mimic looks like a nightmare version of the trunk in Discworld. Which sounds pretty cool in the text, but turns out to be a torment to virtually everyone.