
As someone who plays Fallout & Elder Scrolls game in a spiral outward from the start point, or zigzagging from a corner of the map, etc… you absolutely can impact the story in big ways. By the time I actually made it to the casinos in F:NV, I had already unwittingly made some choices that were presented to me.

As someone who only enjoys cooperative vs. competitive (even in sport games), I think I could buy into this. If I had more friends who played games. Those are so far and few between for me. I haven't played that way since Civ Rev, way back in 2009 or so. And that was mostly an exercise in frustration on the PSN. I

Bollocks; I say get on with it. Quit Stalin!

Yeah, I was interested in the narrative in the 1st and 2nd games. By the 3rd and 4th I was lost. And when I played ACIII, I just didn't really care anymore. I haven't played any later ones yet.

You must be from a country that's never been on the poor side of asymmetrical warfare.

GTA6: My Car!!!

If I was an atheist, the proven presence of demons (as in, I'm fighting them) would make me reconsider very quickly.

Upper Class French does a good job of conveying those things too.

Hey, write whatever you want, man. Taipei way to your heart's content!

You think that's chilling, just be glad your name isn't Jameson, like me…

If you need whiskey to prepare, you maybe need a better NSA..

Looks like I posted too soon. This thread was made for my story!

Yes, everyone, it's inconceivable in this day and age that he could write the digits 1-0, and then someone (or a computer) arrange them ad hoc to the current day's edition…

Thanks for the link to Garfield minus Garfield, that is brilliant! I like how it seems to bounce between so odd it's funny:

Was The Getaway the game where you played the level as a cop, and then played through the same ones… backwards, if you will, as one of the villians? Including the cut scene of a car upside down from the opposite angle?

I liked the original game
It was in a class of it's own. The 2nd one was fantastic because it had some really good puzzles to get through. Third one was beautiful, but only ok.

Squirrel is a food? Where are you from?!?

Rowan and kthejoker, I take your point, but in battles where it is 120-40, the ones at 140 got there by being better armed. So really, you are saying it should happen even far less than it does.

I also have a friend with a stomach condition, Kyle, and White Russians are the worst for him. Maybe you don't consume them in the quantity he does, but the cream absolutely murders his gut.

That tester could've been me
I absolutely go through the same thing with Civ Revolutions. 3-1 loss is ok, but if anyone ever beat my modern infantry defenders at 120-40, I would be livid! I think changing that makes it more realistic, not less. I got lost a bit on that part of his explanation, like making this less