I played that as a child. Very satisfying to see it shoot up to red. But I usually just had a field of caps…
I played that as a child. Very satisfying to see it shoot up to red. But I usually just had a field of caps…
That is some very responsible coaster usage there, RH.
And when you don't have time for San Juan, just play Condado.
I was laughing at my colleagues trying to understand the cricket updates I was reading from Cardiff last week. But after reading the above thread, I think I'll be nicer to them in the future. Jesus.
Considering that he was marveling at the appearance of the taxi after he whistled for it, I think it's safe to assume he arrived from Philadelphia to LA by some means other than said taxi…
I thought GH had seen it, but since he hasn't replied, I must be mistaken.
This will be the first Rock Band game where…
everyone fights over the microphone instead of the guitars. I'm excited.
Howlpanic - Chinese coins do not have holes in them. One Japanese coin does, but then again, that's not China, is it…
This should've been set in the UK
The original Pontypool would've made a good setting for this. Of course, people babbling like loons in the street wouldn't really make anyone raise an eyebrow in Wales.
Pickle jars come in bullet-proof? What kind of neighbourhood do you have to live in to need one of those?!?
Frito, if that was my name and they tormented me, I'd transfer to another school for a few years, save my paper route money, and then come back in high school as the kid with everything, befriend them, and then, and only then, exact my revenge.
That's something I never thought of, Kapow, amidst the deluge of WWII history that always comes one's way. Where the fuck IS Hitler buried?
Tasha is from the Swiss family Robinson? Is her laptop powered by a waterwheel?
Casual gamers go where they want, when they want, the rest can be damned!
If the end of that video hadn't said "get ready to crap your plants!", and instead said "get ready to spill your seed!", I'd probably buy it.
Hans O., I heard your post in my head in the voice of Klaus from American Dad.
Hans O., I heard your post in my head in the voice of Klaus from American Dad.
Yeah, I always got confused by PS2's Greatest Hits. I bought Shadow of Colossus, God of War, but there were some really shite choices. However, I guess that label comes from sales, so who am I to argue with the people?
Yeah, I always got confused by PS2's Greatest Hits. I bought Shadow of Colossus, God of War, but there were some really shite choices. However, I guess that label comes from sales, so who am I to argue with the people?
Star Trek counts as history in Canada?! That is wrong on many levels, not the least of which is the fact they are set in the future.