
Interesting, a whole pile of posts above and no one mentioned, for or against, Voyager. I'm for. I watched it originally as a TNG fan, and only sat through episode after episode only because my girlfriend was a huge fan. But after awhile, it became my favourite.

I saw the unfinished unfinished bootleg, and was very pleasantly surprised! So maybe if you could get a copy of it just running the 2oth Century Fox logo, that would be best.

I just don't like the word "high". Oh wait, yeah I kind of do.

I heard this is actually going to be his defence. They're trying to get the jury trial moved to Texas.

They should be able to track all the money then. Kind of like dye bombs at the bank.

Buck-toothed Girl in Luxembourg - According to Wikipedia, a chopped up trail of meat, organs, bones, skin, feathers, and fur from chicken, beef, veal, kangaroo and wallaby will lead those little bastards right into your bank vault. Don't skimp on the wallaby bones, either. They love that shite.

Limberger cheese and gin!

Mouse for Lemmings? Hah! I only ever played it with a Nintendo Powerglove. Sometimes two.

I had some lavendar chocolate last night. And some Sichuan pepper chocolate. Didn't really care for either.

Rationalist: I read your post three times before my mind could process that you were not saying "I love the cat butt…".

RagingBear has won this discussion. It was pretty even flailing back and forth, but I think it was well stated to point out that, despite the complexities of the choices involved in being a fighting game expert, at the end of the day your only choice is to fight them. And if successful, your only choice is to fight

I fell in love the first time my 18th summer, in Spain. It was intense in a non-physical manner, fed my creativity for a very long time. Still makes my stomach flutter to think about it. On the downside, it seems to have corrupted my views of love and made it kind of hard after that. Oh, and it never got proper