I'm the worst of them all.
I'm the worst of them all.
So Mad Men is the Animal Collective of TV. I get it now.
I wouldn't mind a season-long fuck you to The Killing where they spend the whole season trying to figure out who killed Sal and actually RESOLVE it (It was Conrad Hilton, obviously) at the end, complete with a Draper wink to the camera for the closing shot. It would still probably be brilliant.
It might be the best show ever made. I'm not saying it is. Just that it might be. There aren't another group of characters I'd rather just hang around with than the Sterling Cooper (so on) crew.
Best album: Scott Pine and the Conifers- Kissing in Brackets
Can Everclear please be the new Dawes? We need a new Dawes in this crippling economy. If Everlcear can be the new Dawes, everything will be wonderful now.
2nd baddest. One Gustavo Fring takes that award.
The moon was looking remarkably like Marquis Colston when he wrote it.
I actually bought a copy of the Dawes album yesterday (as an xmas gift.)
The first season is actually my favorite. It just feels so god damned… inspired. Like a bunch of tired Simpsons writers just said, okay, let's see what we can really do with what we've established here, and then went balls out and had a blast. I like the subsequent seasons too, but they've never really captured that…
the episode where Stewie and Brian go back to the pilot should have been on.
Think of all the time you could have just saved if only you'd bought one of those new-fangled TVs with an off button.
I'm excited too.
You're right, I gave it another try and I'm having a blast.
Favorite song is "Planet Claire"
Speaking of sad, I'll also nostalgically lament the lack of a certain space-themed drama from that Josh Weldon fellow.
Allow me to answer by rephrasing a past headline:
Seasons of Breaking Bad represented by my favorite words in each one:
I mean, it's got ongoing storylines, so what you're basically saying is it's a series full of unsatisfying endings. Which I agree with, but… why are we praising that again?