The Hypnotoad

Bender Bukowski - I really enjoyed the fact that the exact sequence of Walt looking through the window was FRING all the way. Great homage shot to the new boss.

Bender Bukowski - I really enjoyed the fact that the exact sequence of Walt looking through the window was FRING all the way. Great homage shot to the new boss.

Jack White recently had an interview saying something to the effect of, "When no one buys their music, the idea of 'selling' out becomes moot." (Oh, that was a sarcastic comment you left? Well, erm, point made…)

Jack White recently had an interview saying something to the effect of, "When no one buys their music, the idea of 'selling' out becomes moot." (Oh, that was a sarcastic comment you left? Well, erm, point made…)

Steven Spielberg is about to go and buy rights to Girl… just to make sure his name is plastered on anything called "great"

They've also convinced you to: go looking through their reviews, drift through the comments this far, make a name up, and spit out a confrontational things like, "they're not good enough."  I mean, I definitely see where Mitchell is coming from, but part of it is just knowing where to look. I couldn't really tell you

*Everything is terrible* has a book?????? Must find

I've got a gold plated Devo suit that I put on one leg and arm at a time, the only difference is I make gold plated records.

The Gummi Venus de Milo (also referred to as "Gummi Venus"). The rarest gummi of them all, it was carved by gummi artisans who work exclusively in the medium of gummi.

I got hooked on St. Vincent because there are so many well done live acoustic versions of her songs…Maybe it's because I'm too lazy to focus on lyrics.  Time to turn this album back on again…

They're tied in my book. If it didn't treat you right the first time give it another go.

Seriously, you don't need the lyrics, you could just go with the instrumental version and that would be creepy enough. Likewise with a host of other Odd Future tracks.

Would he skip the teasing and auto-tune the whole movie?

…but Dio SHOULD HAVE been in Destiny's Child!

His delusions of grandeur are just getting started.