Henley Regatta

Fully expected to see Kingsley at number one in the list. Career redefining performance. His Don Logan was a revelation.

Fully expected to see Kingsley at number one in the list. Career redefining performance. His Don Logan was a revelation.

The Bowiesongs blog is fantastic, just the best single artist blog at the moment. I skipped through the Pete Doggett book on Bowie in the 70s and it's nowhere near as insightful as the similar entries on the blog.

The Bowiesongs blog is fantastic, just the best single artist blog at the moment. I skipped through the Pete Doggett book on Bowie in the 70s and it's nowhere near as insightful as the similar entries on the blog.

"Hey, Triumph of the Will is the title of my Will Smith biopic!"

"Hey, Triumph of the Will is the title of my Will Smith biopic!"

"3) He ain't lyin'! (yelled by a midget carrying a broom)"

"3) He ain't lyin'! (yelled by a midget carrying a broom)"

I wonder if she can get the Muppets to make a cameo appearance.

I wonder if she can get the Muppets to make a cameo appearance.

Needs just a little more teal and orange.

Needs just a little more teal and orange.

I can take or leave this song, it's a challenging idea wrapped in a pretty tune with appaling production sung by a walking contradiction of a man.

I can take or leave this song, it's a challenging idea wrapped in a pretty tune with appaling production sung by a walking contradiction of a man.

You missed the daddy of them all, 80's foppish synth pop band Freur, who were originally identified only by a strange Aztec type squiggle. Unsurprisingly despite a shed load of hype and the crapitude of their records they flopped and changed their name to Freur but they were still rubbish. They would be just a

You missed the daddy of them all, 80's foppish synth pop band Freur, who were originally identified only by a strange Aztec type squiggle. Unsurprisingly despite a shed load of hype and the crapitude of their records they flopped and changed their name to Freur but they were still rubbish. They would be just a

Might be why we're waiting for the follow up, 11 years on.

Might be why we're waiting for the follow up, 11 years on.

Would have loved to have read a bit more about Mailer and 'Tough Guys Don't Dance' . Disappointing that all she can say about such a notorious film is how she learned the technical aspects of movie making.

Would have loved to have read a bit more about Mailer and 'Tough Guys Don't Dance' . Disappointing that all she can say about such a notorious film is how she learned the technical aspects of movie making.