
I think it's Ray Fiske and Leonard Winstone.

I think it's Ray Fiske and Leonard Winstone.

How true. Herb Edelman was the pitch perfect casting choice for the role - Stan could have been a mere asshole but Herb made him a likeable one. That makes me want to rewatch the show again.

How true. Herb Edelman was the pitch perfect casting choice for the role - Stan could have been a mere asshole but Herb made him a likeable one. That makes me want to rewatch the show again.

This makes me wonder: When will you guys review The Golden Girls?

This makes me wonder: When will you guys review The Golden Girls?

This is a fantastic piece, Todd. I'm still kind of freaked out about the whole Harmon-thing, but at least you helped to think a little more rational about this strange affair.

This is a fantastic piece, Todd. I'm still kind of freaked out about the whole Harmon-thing, but at least you helped to think a little more rational about this strange affair.

Geee, The Following has probably the single most dumbest plot I've ever heard of in the fictional serial killer genre. A cult of killers? The very idea contradiccts every single basic knowledge about serial killers that is known. Wonder what John Douglas has to say about this.