
There's a rich 70-year-plus Joker tradition to feed from. This is a flat-out homage to The Dark Knight version of Joker, which by the way is strikingly different from every previous portrayal of the character over 70 years.
There's nothing inherently wrong with this, as that was a genius portrayal by Heath Ledger. But

I'm looking forward to Rainn Wilson and Terri Nunn remaking "Sex (I'm a)".

That does it. Tommy Brenn is no longer welcomed in my Discount DIY Colonoscopy Clinic.

It's unfair to criticize Smith for getting his premise from a classified ad.

Late to the party, but I'm watching all the 70's SNLs on Netflix and then reading the review here. Makes me sad that the Funniest SNL Episode of All Time (FSNLEAT) is dominated by a discussion of whether the Blues Brothers was a good or bad thing for authentic black blues musicians.

Small correction to the article: Death Cab was playing in Missouri last night, not Kansas. So the Westborings actually crossed the state line to protest. Just one more line they crossed.

Small correction to the article: Death Cab was playing in Missouri last night, not Kansas. So the Westborings actually crossed the state line to protest. Just one more line they crossed.

I tried to read it. Quit about a third of the way. I don't know how, as many commenters here suggest, reading everything else Murakami wrote would make me like it more. It's not the repetitiveness between large swaths, it's the repetitiveness from one sentence to the next to the one after that. It's also the