Repeat after me: I am… polka king… we Todd Ed.
Repeat after me: I am… polka king… we Todd Ed.
^^ THIS. Christ, I am sick of the "controversy" around this dumb movie. On the off chance is anything to report on, can we at least do it without mentioning MRAs for once?
Catch meeeee!!
This is why we can't have nice things.
Do not look away from… the death pit.
What is it with Ricks?
"Have a Cigar"
I haven't laughed this hard since my last business transaction!
If he's about to rock… I salute him.
Oh, it's totally real. I know because I'm actually working ON this show, right now, as I type this.
Don't get so excited about Brock. Be your own man, like… Steve McQueen.
I'm always surprised when one of these uses the correct form of "their."
Completely agree. I find Aukerman painfully unfunny, but Weird Al is a legend and a personal hero… My immediate reaction to the headline was "Fuck! Am I gonna have to start watching this, now?"
Go on…
I love this show as-is. Am I the only one? I must be.
Upvotes for some, miniature American flags for others!
Oh man, I hated that rap. And it would boot up immediately on the load screen, so I was always racing to press start fast enough to skip past it. You ever wanted to punch a song? I wanted to punch that fucking song so bad.