Captain Murphy: "Mustache on, or off?"
Debbie: "Off, please."
Captain Murphy: "…too bad."
Captain Murphy: "Mustache on, or off?"
Debbie: "Off, please."
Captain Murphy: "…too bad."
It's a perfectly cromulent film, but doesn't personally crack my top 10. I mentioned to some of my movie buff buddies that I thought O. Russell was slipping and they nearly rode me out of town on a rail.
Alcohol doesn't freeze at these temperatures.
Oh, no argument that Southland > Hollywood paint-by-numbers. Hell, I own it on DVD. I think "spectacular failure" is exactly right. I just love Darko SO MUCH that it's really disappointing when the the rest of Kelly's work is so… messy.
Phil Robertson doesn't understand the appeal of the onus.
3 Days by Jane's Addiction… oh, I'm sorry you were joking because that film is TERRIBLE.
Steaming content.
Whistle while you work.
I absolutely love this film, and the music-driven montages are some of the best sequences in the whole thing. When Frank touches his eye and they pan across to the mask… gives me chills every time.
I need no sympathy.
I don't even own a gun, let alone several to necessitate a show about them.
If your undead creation lasts more than 4 hours, contact a (mad) physician.
No, thank you for smoking.
I see what you did there.
Ham, bumhug!
I don't think that means what you think it means.