
Wasn't one of the plots the Doctor foiled a plot by the Time Lords to essentially destroy all of creation and time (Ultimate Sanction)? Seems like one of those things that, had the Doctor not stopped, ends the Universe.

Yea, but it's easy to go around screaming that the episode deserves an F and that it is awful without once giving a reason, which is what that person did. I didn't see one point brought up from that poster that gives any explanation why I or anyone should hate the episode so much. Maybe I missed it, or maybe they are

…I'll be one of the few to say it, but I liked this episode. A lot.

I'll start this by saying that I love Will Smith. He's been in a lot of great movies that I love and gladly watch whenever they come on TV.

There was such an easier way around the whole disqualification thing that it actually bothers me that they didn't take it, and instead resort to a ridiculous storyline that doesn't make any sense.