Squiddy The Catholic Squid

It turns out there isn't a zombie apocalypse, but there is a conspiracy of llamas, and they have developed a working phone technology.

I dunno. I always thought Alabama was at the bottom of the food chain (tied with Mississippi and other places I've never been). I give Georgia props because it has Atlanta, which is a pretty tough city to not enjoy (though I suppose zombie-ridden, not so much).

I dunno. I always thought Alabama was at the bottom of the food chain (tied with Mississippi and other places I've never been). I give Georgia props because it has Atlanta, which is a pretty tough city to not enjoy (though I suppose zombie-ridden, not so much).

A door with wooden shoes, obviously.

A door with wooden shoes, obviously.

Yeah, @avclub-70f6dcc28ef8fc282b0c969e75d9bdfc:disqus  but there's a much higher degree of sophistication to the Third Season of BtVS than there is to almost anything in the Harry Potter world.

Yeah, @avclub-70f6dcc28ef8fc282b0c969e75d9bdfc:disqus  but there's a much higher degree of sophistication to the Third Season of BtVS than there is to almost anything in the Harry Potter world.

Maybe they're lovers?

Maybe they're lovers?

Take it back.

Take it back.

Does anyone else think the science guy at Woodbury looks like the serial killer version of John Ritter? And that this makes sense, given a.) This is a show about zombies, and b.) even if Mr. Ritter did rise from the dead, he would still be able to act?

Does anyone else think the science guy at Woodbury looks like the serial killer version of John Ritter? And that this makes sense, given a.) This is a show about zombies, and b.) even if Mr. Ritter did rise from the dead, he would still be able to act?

I don't think you were alone on the Star Wars leitmotif, especially when Peter starts watching a floating holographic woman and ends telling his father "Walter, you're our only hope."

I don't think you were alone on the Star Wars leitmotif, especially when Peter starts watching a floating holographic woman and ends telling his father "Walter, you're our only hope."

Possible objection if the Dean in question is Dean Venture.

Possible objection if the Dean in question is Dean Venture.

Seems pretty normal to me.

Seems pretty normal to me.

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