Squiddy The Catholic Squid

What about jive turkeys? Where do they fit in your schema?

Other than "Brrraaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnns!"

Which one? The David Carradine original, or the Jason Statham reboot?

Or "Mindwalk."

Also in Reverse Order:
1. No, because I haven't seen any of the prequels, and so would be at an utter loss to appreciate the rich, nuanced and diverse continuity.
2. Toss a coin, but odds are I'll probably just re-watch Lost.
3. Maybe on DVD.
4. Saw the first one against my will. Will be dead before I see the sequel, or

I did. Did they hire me? Noooooooo.

I think it's probably more like "What's Firefly?" at this point.

Also: he's in the Captain America movie, portrayed by the guy who plays Chris from "The Wire," I think.

Studio'd to death. Unfair assessment of Venom's villainous potential.

Actually, it's pronounced Druid. The "s" is silent.

I liked the back-and-forth between Catherine and Jonah best of all.




@avclub-3e9e0f1010418374c3dd9ccf3b0ed27c:disqus : I agree. I think we can blame everyone's favorite HBO CEO for this one.

Let the reality television search for his replacement begin!


I agree, this episode seemed really crowded.

I can not recommend Transmetropolitan strongly enough, given that it's only theoretically possible to recommend it half as much as is deserved.

I dunno. I've never seen the motion comic form of anything ever.