Squiddy The Catholic Squid

Agree. We argue and argue without every satisfactorily resolving anything. Welcome to the family!

I dunno. He's pretty big in Korea for no apparent reason.

If we changed it to Chalkasian, would it be less racist? Or simply more descriptive?

I've hesitated to pick up Girls because the way the show was described by someone who thought it was good didn't engender enthusiasm, and because the likelihood of a gunfight/monster with artful character development seemed limited at best. (He typed, carefully dancing his way out of being told to go watch ScyFy with

Although if there were a God, you can bet he'd have David McCullough's voice (Take that, Morgan Freeman … Oh, I can't stay mad at you!).

Also wanted to point this out.

I'm not quite so sure distaste for Moore's shtick is necessarily "lookism" (although I didn't know that was an -ism to begin with, so I'm already at a disadvantage … also think the term ought to be "looksism," since a look is merely a glance, where as "looks" reflect personal appearance … in this theoretical -ism,

Could totally get on board with a Nerd SuperPAC in the wake of Citizens United.

I will make a trade.

Moon Tea is also a sly literary reference to menstruation, as well, since references to menstruation throughout Western literature (particularly highbrow artsy-fartsy ones) established a parallel between the full moon and the menstrual cycle, both of which happen approximately once a month.

And that's why … you never teach lessons.

Actually, there are a few great examples of ethics as the central theme.

I prefer the term "Troglodyte American."

I think He Whose Name Cannot Be Spelled (By Me) is more interested in establishing a dichotomy, one that's apparent in some of his other work, and seen in this pilot only briefly.

No, no, no.

Was hoping the incestuous BBC-Major Network relationship would produce an American version of "The Thick of It."

That's bad, AJ. You should go to the hospital.



I want to point out that language comes down to a combination of predominant usage and the set rules that we all had caned into us by our third grade English teachers. See also: AP Style's recent decision to allow a new usage for "unfortunately" as an interjection instead of just an adverb.
The primary definition of