
There was one point where Weiss made a joke about liking to  "dip his cigar in brandy" before smoking it, but he was suave enough to repeat it to Mr. Brandi himself so as to emphasize the (supposed) good-natured harmlessness of it

I heard somewhere that the third Die Hard was originally intended as a Lethal Weapon installment; hence, perhaps, the addition of Samuel Jackson.

I heard somewhere that the third Die Hard was originally intended as a Lethal Weapon installment; hence, perhaps, the addition of Samuel Jackson.

"a battle-hardened warrior 'completely unschooled in our world, our culture, our customs.'"
Is Emma Caulfield less than 5'8" or did they decide she was just too obvious?

"a battle-hardened warrior 'completely unschooled in our world, our culture, our customs.'"
Is Emma Caulfield less than 5'8" or did they decide she was just too obvious?

Re: Carol.  Am I the only person who remembered seeing a corpse near where they found T-Dawg wearing the same turbanesque headdress Carol had been wearing?    I was pretty drunk by that point, and it was a kind of fleeting shot, but definitely ended the episode thinking she had died (and why would they dig and fill a

Re: Carol.  Am I the only person who remembered seeing a corpse near where they found T-Dawg wearing the same turbanesque headdress Carol had been wearing?    I was pretty drunk by that point, and it was a kind of fleeting shot, but definitely ended the episode thinking she had died (and why would they dig and fill a

Don't mind me.  I'm just posting here to say that I chatted with someone who chatted with Michael Palin.  When my infant daughter grows up and hears me tell about this moment, I will make it sound as if I was chatting with unicyclistperiscopes while unicyclistperiscopes was chatting with Michael Palin while Michael

Don't mind me.  I'm just posting here to say that I chatted with someone who chatted with Michael Palin.  When my infant daughter grows up and hears me tell about this moment, I will make it sound as if I was chatting with unicyclistperiscopes while unicyclistperiscopes was chatting with Michael Palin while Michael

This is so very true.  I teach at an institution which requires students to use APA.  It was embarrassing when I realized that the students who were using moronic capitalization in their reference lists were actually the ones who had read the APA style guide (which I avoided doing as long as possible).  To paraphrase

This is so very true.  I teach at an institution which requires students to use APA.  It was embarrassing when I realized that the students who were using moronic capitalization in their reference lists were actually the ones who had read the APA style guide (which I avoided doing as long as possible).  To paraphrase

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus It would be dirtier if it managed to incorporate the phrase "sticky wicket."

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus It would be dirtier if it managed to incorporate the phrase "sticky wicket."

I saw both in the theaters, though I saw Reservoir Dogs in the college-town equivalent of a dollar theater (the one on DOG Street, if that means anything to anyone), at the tail-end of its original release.  I bought the soundtrack back when  CDs still came in big cardboard boxes (if I remember correctly), and the

I saw both in the theaters, though I saw Reservoir Dogs in the college-town equivalent of a dollar theater (the one on DOG Street, if that means anything to anyone), at the tail-end of its original release.  I bought the soundtrack back when  CDs still came in big cardboard boxes (if I remember correctly), and the

I agree—she never had a sex drive before because she never got organized enough to be turned on; she has to organize her life in minute order for the first time, and it's also the first time she becomes significantly aroused.  This is why returning the show to a one-night line-up is such a threat—it will allow her to

I agree—she never had a sex drive before because she never got organized enough to be turned on; she has to organize her life in minute order for the first time, and it's also the first time she becomes significantly aroused.  This is why returning the show to a one-night line-up is such a threat—it will allow her to

I can't tell if you're joking, but two hundred years ago they DID entice our military into entering their land with false promises of welcoming our forces as liberators (granted, the promises were implicit—not something that you could actually point to and say, "Here's where Canada asked us to enter their land"; but

I can't tell if you're joking, but two hundred years ago they DID entice our military into entering their land with false promises of welcoming our forces as liberators (granted, the promises were implicit—not something that you could actually point to and say, "Here's where Canada asked us to enter their land"; but

I assume you meant, "Could it BE any more toad like?"