
I assume you meant, "Could it BE any more toad like?"

I didn't mean it as mockery.  I find it genuinely curious that there are certain tropes which immediately elicit specific responses in some corners of the Club, while failing to do so in others.  My curiosity was stoked several days ago when, in the comments of the review of the new Damien Echols (sp?) book, there was

I didn't mean it as mockery.  I find it genuinely curious that there are certain tropes which immediately elicit specific responses in some corners of the Club, while failing to do so in others.  My curiosity was stoked several days ago when, in the comments of the review of the new Damien Echols (sp?) book, there was

Is it true that no one has thus far made an obligatory nod toward car washes and investment decisions and Breaking Bad?  Are there two AV Clubs living side by side, one in which people rationally discuss sociological issues related to sports, and one in which people relate everything to Community/Breaking Bad/Mad

Is it true that no one has thus far made an obligatory nod toward car washes and investment decisions and Breaking Bad?  Are there two AV Clubs living side by side, one in which people rationally discuss sociological issues related to sports, and one in which people relate everything to Community/Breaking Bad/Mad

"True, though really it should just be Ben as Ann has lived there long enough to be immune to it."

"True, though really it should just be Ben as Ann has lived there long enough to be immune to it."

At some point during the end of the season or the playoffs last year, my in-laws were over spending time with my wife while I watched football in the other room, hoping the in-laws wouldn't notice how much I was drinking.  But watching Tebow flounder got me so excited at one point, that I had to hurry into the other

At some point during the end of the season or the playoffs last year, my in-laws were over spending time with my wife while I watched football in the other room, hoping the in-laws wouldn't notice how much I was drinking.  But watching Tebow flounder got me so excited at one point, that I had to hurry into the other

It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry.  It basically encapsulates everything I love about his music, and everything I love to love about his music, if that makes sense

It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry.  It basically encapsulates everything I love about his music, and everything I love to love about his music, if that makes sense

My wife refuses to believe me that Reese Witherspoon is the female lead on this show, even though we've watched the promo together a dozen times, and she clearly is.  Maybe now I'll be able to convince her since "Georgia King" is a name that can only have been adopted either as a pseudonym for a slumming movie star or

My wife refuses to believe me that Reese Witherspoon is the female lead on this show, even though we've watched the promo together a dozen times, and she clearly is.  Maybe now I'll be able to convince her since "Georgia King" is a name that can only have been adopted either as a pseudonym for a slumming movie star or

Pay attention to the moment midway through the season when guest star Oscar Wilde quips that, "I may have been born yesterday, but I still went shopping."  That will play an important role in Jimmy Price's character arc after Wilde turns up dead.

Pay attention to the moment midway through the season when guest star Oscar Wilde quips that, "I may have been born yesterday, but I still went shopping."  That will play an important role in Jimmy Price's character arc after Wilde turns up dead.

I'm now convinced that "November Rain" was originally pitched as a jingle for a new laundry detergent which never made it to market:

I'm now convinced that "November Rain" was originally pitched as a jingle for a new laundry detergent which never made it to market:

This conversation isn't very good.  Do you have anything about live organ transplants?