Agent Broyles

Thematically relevant school shooting or just Kurt Sutter throwing a dart at his Catholic themed wheel of horrors?  I imply, you decide.


I find them spiritually fulfilling.

but yeah former British super soldier turned desk jockey is this season big bad right?

*hangs head in shame*

I'm sure most people don't watch it like this, but once Porter got offed I've been a whole lot more concerned about the gun play and hubris catching up.  Granted, I'd been watching the Porter episodes and then caught up with the "first" season, so maybe I was overly involved.

" Sons creator Kurt Sutter announced the show on his Twitter account"

@avclub-6268b0b7bf51f37268028c896393a080:disqus It's also an acceptable term for spies most of the time.  Rule of thumb.  If someone is dropping spooks in a sentence, it's probably okay.  If someone is shouting spooks as exclamation—STOP THEM SPOOKS —it's probably not cool.

A lot of people told me to skip things.  I've also seen a fair amount of the series, but I have this hilarious medical condition that causes me to forget great big gaps of time.

uuuuughghhh this sounds like work.  Like how I tried really hard to get into Doctor Who, but couldn't.


Shove it, Heisenberg.

They switched leads?  Where have I been???

Haven't seen this since the first season.  Any good?

Shorter shirt, please.  I'm having trouble objectifying this writer in such conservative attire.

Did Diablo Cody get her shit together yet?

If you've ever puked up rum and pizza, then you'd know it's never just a little cat vomit looking pile.  Booze and pizza comes up with astounding speed and spread, and it generally ends up coating an entire wall.

I dunno.  I've been burned before.

Maybe a bit broad and cartoonish as I recall.  But, I better check my privileged before I say any more.

You're going to feel so much smarter when you get all the question right.