Agent Broyles

Just finished watching that episode, and it annoyed the crap out of me.  I generally didn't like that they brought in a bunch of new characters for the first episode back.    

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Was that the racist gerbil or the other gerbil?  I'm pretty sure there were a couple rodent related accounts at some point.

"Just wankin it."

She left because he was such a whiny little bitch.

Can someone get this corkscrew out of my ass?

I like him.  You can all come to my office and suck my chocolate salted balls.

That's the whole point of an ideal.  It can't actually exist outside of the mind. It can only be attempted.

Buried by the what?  I don't even know what that is.

AHHHHHHH!  I hope the rest of the FBI rookie makes an appearance!  AHHHHH! But, that might make the finale a bit overstuffed! ahhhhhhhh!

Yes, but in turn we are inflicted with a monstrous half-dead version of the show we had previously loved.  It's an evil monkey's paw sort of situation.

I'm sort of sad about this, despite having no real, rational reason to, but that's probably just the fast talking.

Is there any cheap way to get a shirt tailored?  My neck vs. my arm length has started putting me in a weird size to buy off the rack.




@avclub-a14343d7aea171bddd5aa6b80e500fd3:disqus Craaaaaaap.  I'll leave it as a testament to my incompetence.

I could suggest an alternative, but the NSA guy is literally sitting right next to me.  He's just sitting there, taking notes in his little Goddamn notepad.

If there were any truth to that, I would like the show a whole lot more than I do.

I think you meant the SNL skit about Crossfire.