
The review doesn't seem bad if you just read it, that's the problem. It only seems bad if you then listen to the album, at which point it becomes apparent how carefully Ian Cohen spent half his time picking out the tiniest little fragments of a handful of songs to hang his criticism on, and the other half making

I think I lack the brainpower/organisational skills necessary to spot any of the other errors. The Tony Wonder one stood out to me because it's the timeline contradicting itself within a single episode, and I can't work out how that possibly slipped by unnoticed. Or it was noticed but they liked the whole exchange

This seems like a good place to discuss what seems to be a chronological error in the show. Apologies if this has already been mentioned elsewhere. In episode 11, Gob and Michael meet in Sudden Valley, and they have a very guarded conversation about the celebrities they're dating. Gob is presumably referring to Tony